REDDOXX MailSealer Ensures Secure, Encrypted Email Traffic

Email encryption sensitive information rule based and protected transfer Rottweil, December 16, 2010 in business E-Mail communications transmitted often personal data or other important information. Without proper protection, it is easy to intercept these E-Mails on their way from the sender to the receiver, to read or manipulate for cybercriminals. With MailSealer, the email management expert REDDOXX offers a security solution that reliably prevents such a likelihood. So, companies using encryption and digital signature to protect their electronic mail from unauthorized access or even manipulation. MailSealer is a part of the E-Mail management system REDDOXX 2.0, which optionally contains the modules MailDepot and Spamfinder.

MailSealer ensures that emails do not fall into the hands of unauthorized third parties during the delivery process. To the security solution provides outbound E-mail automatically with a digital signature. This function is the Authenticity of messages. Thus, the recipient has the certainty that the message actually originated from the specified sender and its contents have not been tampered with. In addition, the solution encrypts all outgoing emails and checks or decrypt incoming messages. Also taken into account MailSealer and international encryption standards (S/MIME), and is also easily compatible with other systems. The encrypted and decrypted messages can be in addition according to the statutory guidelines simply with the archiving solution REDDOXX MailDepot archive. E-Mail policies individually define the encryption and signing is rule-based and automatically, and user-independent.

To do this, the administrator from a central location can set company-wide security policies for E-Mail communication. For example, the flexibly definable rules and regulations can pretend that MailSealer sends only signed E-Mails and encrypts them if necessary or employees only with selected partners communicate encrypted. Email encryption via password procedure has no REDDOXX solution in use E-Mail recipient, he can open the messages encrypted via passphrase method using MailSealer light reader. This password protects the electronic messages and hangs them on a readable by the recipient email reader containing a download link for the free MailSealer light. Through this link, you can open the encrypted attachment after entering the password. Both the sender and the recipient of the email, use an REDDOXX system, no reader is required. In this case diePassworter for encryption on the appliance you can define and automate the encryption and decryption process. More information under:. Images can be obtained from. About REDDOXX GmbH with seat in Rottweil designs, produces and sells complete E-Mail management solutions for companies, organizations and authorities. The Solutions consist of industry’s unique combination of spam and virus protection, law-compliant as well as TuV certified email archiving, encryption and digital signature. The patented filtering technology offers a 100% spamfreie, automated email archiving with a security guarantee. More than 75,000 users already use email management solutions of REDDOXX. All modular solutions are made in Germany”and are developed by REDDOXX’s own engineers.

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