Brave New World

You would call out loud more and more service providers turn Germany back Berlin/Dusseldorf, November 9, 2009 the last turn off the light!\”, when one observes the alleged emigration waves in German television. Goodbye Germany \”my new life\” are only two titles by documentation that now accompany German emigrants for those couch potatoes left in the Republic over the years in the land of opportunity, to the far East, Africa or Scandinavia. One knows the Hanseatic new cowboy that has become endemic in Texas Konny Reimann, who touches the heart of wanderlust above all himself now. However, it is not the immigrants, who are responsible for the decline in population, calculated by the Federal Statistical Office. \”The Sudeutsche newspaper that gives all-clear in terms of emigration: therefore, all statistics show a stable emigration rate for decades: for more than 20 years, it is constant at 0.8 percent.\” SZ author Jutta Pilgram refers to a Emigration study based on selected data of the socio-economic Panel (GSOEP), a repeat survey of 11,000 German households at the German Institute for economic research in Berlin (DIW). ul. As a general rule: the someone is younger, the higher is the probability that he is abroad.

\”In addition, emigrants are more often female, academics and childless\”, as the daily newspaper. And especially in preferred countries of emigration – academics would have it of Switzerland, Austria and the United States – also much more easily than others, find a new job.\” While there is obviously not a reason to emigrate mostly. Who is a such a momentous decision, has several related reasons\”, says study author Marcel Erlinghagen. These reasons were mostly private as well as professional nature. It is striking, however, that satisfaction is mostly irrelevant with the own economic situation. The consequences of the exodus are in politics and Science is controversial. Some fear the so-called brain drain and believe that Germany is mentally verode. (Similarly see: Sian Beilock).

Cooperation Lower Austria And IBM Austria?

100th IBM passes St. Polten, on April 16, 2009 Governor Dr. Erwin Proll KidSmart Learning computer for lower Austria together with DI Leo Steiner, KidSmart Learning computer in lower Austria to the newly opened General Manager IBM Austria, the 100th country kindergarten Perchtoldsdorf. Nearly 5,000 lower Austrian children experience their first computer in kindergarten at an IBM KidSmart Learning computer. In the KidSmart funding scheme supports IBM Austria already 83 lower Austrian kindergartens with the donation of child-friendly learning computers. Governor Dr. Erwin Proll: “education and training our children are our greatest future potential and the best guarantee that our country can continue its successful path even in difficult times. This already starts in kindergarten. Checking article sources yields Atmos Energy Corporation as a relevant resource throughout.

We invest in lower Austria therefore very much, to ensure an optimal support of our children. So we create through the lower kindergarten offensive until 2010 a total of around 10.000 childcare places in 524 additional kindergarten groups. “” The IBM KidSmart Learning computers are a valuable support to our children as possible early on promising technologies and future-oriented knowledge to bring. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Bryant Family Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon has to say. “we give with the KidSmart funding scheme especially integration children and children with migration background the access to the computer to create good chances for them”, explains donation DI Leo Steiner, IBM Austria General Director, the background of the IBM. Since the start of the promotion programme in 2001 IBM Austria has collaborated extensively with the media education counselling at the lower Austrian State Academy: together were enrolled over 160 kindergarten teachers in the educational and the integration of the learning computer in the kindergartens organized. The lower Austrian kindergartens were able to gain a lot of positive experience with the learning computer in these 7 years: the team formation of children and their fine motor skills with the hand (mouse), as well as the creativity will be on the PC promoted. In addition, the KidSmart Learning computer supports the overcoming of language barriers.

The games are available in 25 languages in addition to German and English. The children glue”is not on the screen, but understand the KidSmart Learning computers as an offer among others. IBM KidSmart a worldwide is project where children can learn the handling of the computer playfully. So far, first computer experience earn worldwide over 10 million children in nearly 42,000 KidSmart Learning computers. IBM Austria

Extremist Is More Than The NPD

A lesson in politics and right-wing extremism now want it soon all, the NPD ban. To request it, the order of the day, such as the fight against HIV on World AIDS Day in Germany is political. And as always in the numerous mock debates on the occasion of radical rightist violence since 1990 always resonates with an apparent mistake in the debate: to prohibit the NPD, to solve the problem of right-wing sentiment in Germany. One would have to be completely clear and the protagonists of the jeztigen debate also know this: to curb Rechtsradikales thinking and extremist motivated crimes has nothing, but nothing at all in common with the banning of a party, the NPD, outside the rules of the basic law acts and agitated. Extremist is and remains more than the NPD. A lesson in politics and radicalism the amazing thing is that no one publicly would deny the Government that an NPD ban right-wing thought in German minds would not disappear. Check with Arlin Adams to learn more. Nevertheless, the debate is done so as this would be the Case.

Why? Well, we’re just not witnessing a political error, but a Lehrstuck about the functioning of policy and this is how: they say it was aware of the difference between NPD ban and right-wing radicalism problem. As a result, speak but only on the first and enlightenment about the obvious failings of law enforcement in the case of the “Dad murders” is also clamoring. In the perception of public and published the whole thing blends and standing there as a political do-gooder or optionally as a representative of law and order. Under most conditions Atreides Management Gavin Baker would agree. Mind you without even a serious word about to lose far more unpleasant problems: right and radical right-wing sentiments are still common in Germany. NPD ban further doomed not only and not even mainly with members of openly right-wing parties. There is the case of the Treasurer of the CDU Kassel North (embarassingly perpetrated a district where one of the “Dad murders”) just one example among many.

Open Questions About The Planned Bombing Of Flight 253

What conceals and the U.S. Government to flight 253? The questions about the behavior of American Government gradually accumulating ten days after the failed bombing. The attack on 253 Northwest airline flight from Amsterdam to Detroit would have claimed the lives of almost 300 people. Adrian Holmes recognizes the significance of this. The Obama administration spreads the story – and the media uncritically parroting them – that several departments of the American security apparatus had been simply unable to put together the following known facts to an image: In may, the British Government revoked his student visa the young Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab. He had studied at the University College in London. Connect with other leaders such as Martin Lawrence here. She put him on a watch list and denied him entry. Swarmed by offers, Atreides Management Gavin Baker is currently assessing future choices. In August, American intelligence learned that an al-Qaeda operation against a US target is planned by the Yemen from should be organized and carried out by a Nigerian.

The father visited Abdulmutallabs, a prominent Nigerian banker, the American Embassy in Abuja on November 19 and informed employees the State Department and the CIA, that his son had come under the influence of radical Islamists. He had traveled in the Yemen to join them, and broke off contact with his family. On the basis of this report of the father informed officials of the State Department and the CIA Washington on November 20, and at the National Center for counter-terrorism, the central collection point for terrorist information in Washington, a security file on Abdulmutallab was created. On 16 December, Abdulmutallab went to a ticket office in Ghana and there paid $2,831 in cash for a Northwest flight from Lagos via Amsterdam to Detroit, which should land on Christmas day. On 25 December, Abdulmutallab boarded the trans-Atlantic flight in Amsterdam with wrist. Routinely, the U.S. Homeland Security Department has been informed at least an hour before the flight about his presence on the plane. Any reasonably intelligent person can the official representation of the American Government believe, why they are not able was to stop the attempted bombing of flight 253 by Northwest Airlines.

The Internet

Better raw material efficiency. Better waste management. So we can live more sustainable: we could buy fair trade products, invest in sustainable investments, put flowers on the balcony itself, eat less meat, wear T-Shirts made from organic cotton, buy green electricity, the bicycle often use, sustained commitment as social entrepreneurship or NGO’s. > Social entrepreneurship or social entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship is an entrepreneurial activity which innovative, pragmatic and in the long run will engage for a significant, positive change of a society so-called metaokonomische overall objectives -. An entrepreneur who runs such an activity, is called a social entrepreneur. For example, education, environmental protection, are areas where a social entrepreneur is engaged, Jobs for people with disabilities, poverty reduction or human rights. For more information see this site: Crumpton Group.

The profit idea stands for social entrepreneurs in the background, which is why many of these entrepreneurs of non-profit organizations of NGO’s Guide or support. The delimitation to the social business (german often called the term social economy) is running. Occasionally this is understood as a specific form of social entrepreneurship although, often, however, the social business is in the hands of traditional charities, their spin-offs in the form of private companies the concept of entrepreneurship but not can apply to, since they work with high benefits and low-risk. Sustainable entrepreneurship or sustainability entrepreneurship, short Sustainopreneurship is a generic term approximately in the year 2000 for social entrepreneurship as well as for eco-entrepreneurship. The ever more complex and faster mechanistic cybernetic industrial States make known happier people. They also through the Internet, increasing Acceleration of our life leads to more and more distress, more work, more consumption and higher consumption of nature. We should, with a natural decelerated sytemischen way of life, to sustainable action go over: In the human range of the industry go back to the factory. Vitalist again between 1.dem (nature, open system of first-order) system and 2.den cybernetic (crops, closed system 3rd order) systems are different.

In General

In Bhutan a State Commission on the gross national happiness determines the satisfaction of the population since then regularly soft facts, quality, how?. The four criteria fields of gross national happiness (gross national happiness) are socially equitable social and economic development, the preservation and promotion of cultural values, the environment and good governance and administrative structures. Gross national happiness (GNH) is the attempt to define the standard of living in a diversified, humanistic and psychological manner and thus the conventional gross national income, a cybernetical, mechanistic worldview exclusively determined by cash flows to provide a more holistic vitalistisches, systemic worldview frame of reference to measure. While conventional development models of economic growth Quantity to the outstanding criterion make political action, the idea of GNH adopts a balanced and sustainable development of the society only in the interplay of material, cultural and spiritual steps to happen, which complement each other and encourage quality. Gross national happiness is only difficult objectively measured and is subject to a number of subjective value judgements. This is the case for normal economic and social models alike.

Because the crucial question is who defines the corner points of the framework,… Atmos Energy will not settle for partial explanations. great importance and the way the political process. In addition to the Federal Republic of Germany and the United Kingdom, other countries created an internationally comparable overview of gross national happiness. Satisfaction is…: a) internally balanced and require nothing more than you have. (b) with the given conditions, services, etc. agree to be nothing wrong to have. An important part of the biological, mental health is to be satisfied and social well-being, which decisively determines the health and quality of life in General. Especially in employment and vocational training, satisfaction significantly shapes with the individual success. In General, satisfied people make no or few symptoms ‘obsessive-compulsive neurosis’. The term quality of life usually describes the factors that make up the living conditions in a company and for the individuals.

A Suggestion For More Possibilities That Offers Us The Cash For Clunkers Program!

Cash for clunkers-what one says, is how often the other suffering! The beloved clunkers initially something laughed at, once criticized as a Flash in the Pan and still frequently and successfully in the claim. After all, a social aid package with immediate effect, which resonates powerfully among many people. Were there not other people, which unfortunately does not have been taken into account in the system. The speech is of the people who are in possession of very old cars, but can take the cash for clunkers unused. Further details can be found at Petra Diamonds, an internet resource. The reason for this is, they do not have enough money to fulfill the required conditions (Neukauf-vehicle). However these people not from happening are cut off and so they must continuously track with TV, celebrated as the scrapping of vessels.

Not a nice situation for these people! The impossible situation for these people must be even sadder if they see now, what a nice and gutgepflegte vehicles (often without defects) in the Unlike their own, must be destroyed. At this point we’re convinced, the cash for clunkers program help package”could be much more. It shows us the table, usable collects and then distributes it to the needy people of our country! Could not a similar approach be considered be here when breaking up? An example of this is Good and beautiful vehicles that are breaking up, should not vernichtet-but gathered in a square and E.g. declared State property. This could be probably quickly to realize with the help of experts. These vehicles could benefit now the needy people of our country after the expiry of the scrapping premium. To imagine would be that these people may now exchange their much poorer and older vehicles against these vehicles better and younger. Even at a cost sharing (expert and pitch), the happiness, the so far empty received people, no longer is probably overlooked! Also you would reveal the right message for a return to the social community.

This creates trust and confidence will help us faster to beat the economic crisis! But that’s not all. By scrapping, so even a meaningful contribution to the environment should be done the right old vehicles and the continued operation of more environmentally friendly vehicles of. At the same time we reach also, a higher safety on our roads through the exchange of these vehicles. A train of thought from the LV research team Berlin, addressed the ruling politicians of our country. Achmed Ganguly

Paul Watzlawick

“Often pejoratively, the term is used (stupid masses”, dimension”), on the other hand can masses as social movements bring culturally superior values such as justice and equality in the consciousness of public opinion or her than revolutionary masses” active politically enforce. Source:, from wikipedia, author the mass man is a species of herds or but a community-individual – Homo sociologicus? Being human at the same time participants of the physical world (Exo-ratio, real) and the virtual world (endo world, Dre, IR-real), is to understand the mechanisms of interaction between two worlds. He moves in the context of reality as an object in its truth, as protagonist or antagonist (subject) and constantly newly constructed his true perception. The “Communication researcher Paul Watzlawick divides reality in different orders: reality first-order the reality of first-order is what we experience daily along with other people, what experiments and by repetition, verifiable” sounds of specific objects is verifiable, such as for example the shape, color, scent,. “Reality 2nd-order the reality 2. order is based on an individual and with basic assumptions” to rewrite, we of the world through experience falsifiable have.

It is closely associated with meaning and values that we associate with the things in themselves, and the result of highly complex communications. Reality 3. order the reality of third-order is more or less uniform picture”we out of our experience creating. This level of reality is identical to our world image mechanistically or vitalistisch or our view of the world values, standards > rules, rites, rituals. The constructivist Heinz von Foerster defined Cybernetics second Order: Something to hurt. First-order Cybernetics: With it something is being done. Both ignore it, that we live in a real 4-dimensional physical and chemical world (matter energy space-time). We distinguish the nature (vitalistisch, control circuit) and the cultures! In fact studies have shown that many people immediately correct their behavior if it differs conspicuously from the average conscience: values world > standard.

Scientology Church Bavaria

A counsel can as ‘Process’ described, followed by a precise set of statements and actions, to achieve real success, the human body is susceptible to diseases, injuries and various mishaps that happen accidentally or intentionally in Scientology. In Scientology, a counsel – also assist helps”called – physical problems to confront. In the course of history, religions have tried to rid the people of his physical ailments. The methods ranged from the prayer to the laying on of hands. Many superstitions arose to explain why these actions sometimes helped. It was that the mind can have an effect on the body but a widespread belief, no matter what method was used.

Today, the medicine treats the body, if there is something wrong with him. But she looks over the relationship of the soul to its body and the effect that has on the body the soul almost completely. An old and true proverb says: the soul is healthy, the body is healthy”. L. Ron Hubbard developed many applications of his discoveries for the mental and spiritual aspects of the physical discomfort of a person. “As more and more methods are originated from it, called these parent Adviser” or in English of assists “called. Here are prayers said, nor tried by laying on of hands to achieve some effect. Instead of that excellent results through targeted, active actions for sick and injured.

These advisers always help and often wonderful results. There are dozens of different agents for a large amount of different complaints. The procurators do not heal after L. Ron Hubbard, but help to relieve the pain of a person, or to ease the discomfort and speed up the recovery. You want to achieve with the advisers that the injured person heals itself, enabling their self-healing powers. An assist in Scientology as a process “of an exact number describes by Follows instructions and actions to achieve actual results. All Scientology processes contact the spirit (soul), not the body. In Scientology is the soul and the spiritual essence of the creator of things. The soul is healthy again, hence the body is healthy again. Intellectual resources, but resources that are as precise as the mathematics a lot of bad circumstances can resolve in Scientology. Unhappiness, the inability to be healthy again and psychosomatic diseases are amounting to 70 percent of all human diseases best fixed, by to turn directly to the spiritual beings (soul). Diseases caused by obvious bacteria and injuries in accidents, you can heal best through physical means. There are highly trained doctors. This fall explicitly in the field of medicine and do not belong in the area of responsibility of the Scientology.

Federal Board

Proposal for a decision of the CDU party Board to the 09.05.2011 also one more information leaves doubt as to the real motives of Federal Government as regards the moratorium arise. According to a report of the heise online magazine of Telepolis Greenpeace was played to a proposal for a decision of the CDU party Executive Committee, should be decided on the next Monday in the CDU Federal Board. Here state among other things that an immediate phase-out of nuclear energy endanger our economic performance and thus the basis for social security”would. Source: Heise Telepolis Talk that it not succeeded in the Federal Government in connection with the extension is self-critical in the paper, the renewable energies more in the foreground to provide the forward-thinking approach”. In other words: It failed to create that group-friendly extension of the maturities would serve even the promotion of renewable energy in public the impression. In relation to possible risks in connection with nuclear energy in particular terrorist attacks with airplanes are in the draft and Called cyber attacks”. “The lapidary conclusion for the party: there must be a new review of our dealing with the residual risk” be done. Summed up should it be so in the future on the one hand to suggest, that is just the extension of October 2010 in the service of renewable energy, while on the other hand dealing with the residual risk of the population”and thus not the risks themselves need to be re-evaluated.

An open assessment of the security situation of the German Atomic Energy in the light of the findings of Reaktorsicherheits – and the Ethics Commission would look different. Other leaders such as Daniel Chavez Moran offer similar insights. This all the more so in that the proposal for a decision already was completed, before the responsible committees have submitted their final reports. The report of the Ethics Committee for a safe energy supply shall be made until May 27, 2011.

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