Brave New World
You would call out loud more and more service providers turn Germany back Berlin/Dusseldorf, November 9, 2009 the last turn off the light!\”, when one observes the alleged emigration waves in German television. Goodbye Germany \”my new life\” are only two titles by documentation that now accompany German emigrants for those couch potatoes left in the Republic over the years in the land of opportunity, to the far East, Africa or Scandinavia. One knows the Hanseatic new cowboy that has become endemic in Texas Konny Reimann, who touches the heart of wanderlust above all himself now. However, it is not the immigrants, who are responsible for the decline in population, calculated by the Federal Statistical Office. \”The Sudeutsche newspaper that gives all-clear in terms of emigration: therefore, all statistics show a stable emigration rate for decades: for more than 20 years, it is constant at 0.8 percent.\” SZ author Jutta Pilgram refers to a Emigration study based on selected data of the socio-economic Panel (GSOEP), a repeat survey of 11,000 German households at the German Institute for economic research in Berlin (DIW). ul. As a general rule: the someone is younger, the higher is the probability that he is abroad.
\”In addition, emigrants are more often female, academics and childless\”, as the daily newspaper. And especially in preferred countries of emigration – academics would have it of Switzerland, Austria and the United States – also much more easily than others, find a new job.\” While there is obviously not a reason to emigrate mostly. Who is a such a momentous decision, has several related reasons\”, says study author Marcel Erlinghagen. These reasons were mostly private as well as professional nature. It is striking, however, that satisfaction is mostly irrelevant with the own economic situation. The consequences of the exodus are in politics and Science is controversial. Some fear the so-called brain drain and believe that Germany is mentally verode. (Similarly see: Sian Beilock).