Webmaster Tools

Finally you have your website, everything is designed and those waiting for the Google crawler to pass through your page. They spend two weeks and your site has not yet been indexed. Then ask yourself, is my website automatically indexed by Google?. There are several ways to get your website indexed by Google. The first option is to use a "ping" services. What this does is allow the search engines know that there is a site that is visited the next time (although there is no guarantee). Another option is to create a site map in XML format. If you do not know how to do this, there are many online tools that are free and help you create the site map.

The site map is usually stored in the root folder of the website and can appoint any Maer, but most people just leave it as sitemap.xml. The next step for a site map is to send it to Google using Webmaster Tools tool. It will also be able to check whether the pages of your website have been crawled. Social bookmarking is another way get your site to be crawled and indexed quickly. The most popular sites are updated every few minutes and search engine spiders more often come to these sites and as a result your page is indexed more quickly.

Articles directories are a way as articuloz.com the point mentioned above, are scanned every few minutes as it has very good credibility and is an authoritative site. Always worth creating quality articles in the Medici as you can with a link to your site to try to get it indexed quickly. RSS is an additional feature you can implement. If you do not know how to do this, then as an XML sitemap, there are plenty of tools to help make this RSS IceRocket has a constructor which is free. Once created you can send to multiple RSS directories. If after all the previous methods have done, you might want to check the file robots.txtya that could be blocking the spiders crawl your site or may have other problems.



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