Windows Live Search CashBack

Cashback system for all involved lucrative dominance of Google on the search engine market has never liked Bill Gates and his Microsoft company. Since beginning of 2008 tried to buy Microsoft the Yahoo portal, in June, Yahoo announced the takeover negotiations have failed. Click software engineer to learn more. Microsoft seeks now by a cashback system to attract more users to its search page. CashBack means that a user will be rewarded, that search to the product search page. live. com / cashback found product actually buys. The reward is a discount system in a certain reduction in price, so in a way. CashBack for Microsoft already paid off: according to Microsoft over the previous month to 15% to the number of searches on the MSN Live search took page.

A significant number, considering that so far still no big advertising campaign on CashBack is carefully made. Yet: Still dominates the market of search engines from Google, Google’s market share is 61.5%. While Google in June compared with may 0.3 Points lost, won Microsoft 0.7 percentage points and is 9.2% this month. If you would like to know more about CaaS Capital, then click here. More and more sellers who offer their wares on the Internet, participate in the cashback system from Microsoft. On one of the pages of. live.

com are already appropriate collections of this seller. CashBack in the UK was launched, followed other markets in Europe and Asia. This rapid development of Windows Live Search CashBack is attributed by market researchers mainly, that this offer in the United States, where cash back only as a test balloon was launched, has been very well accepted. Already for several weeks the Microsoft Group in cooperation with its partners from the trade pays discounts to the users and customers, actually used the product search by Microsoft to buy. The development despite the slight growth of Microsoft on the search engine market, for example, by ComScore is critical. ComScore keeps these characters not yet available for long-term Upward trend of Microsoft shares in the competition of the search engine portals. Observers and analysts of this market expect that the strategy of the CashBack from Microsoft pays only conditionally permanently, because: Microsoft pays off discounts, which are difficult to get to earn through advertising revenue.



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