
Ours! It had much, much thing exactly for people not to know the equipment, then people overloaded the scene of elements, understood? Because people found that the equipment would decide and make what people it tava imagining. in the truth people this was a self-knowledge, understood? Because it was the limit, people arrived surpassed the limit of the machine not, the machine not wheel this, understood? She is as you to have one 486 wanting to twirl delayed super Render in a lowermost stated period do not go to twirl! The equipment stopped, and there people were reducing and reducing things, she understood? Then, thus, people saw the limit there. Of pra not to really make of the form that people want. The Chades, that is, final Render and everything, that people obtained light of softwares, people did not obtain to reproduce total in the virtual scene. Then this adaptation was started there that was a first disillusionment with the new language of the thing, understood. Then, thus, as to create it is very with less? It was more or less for there.

thus the software that people use pra to construct things is 3D Max. Ah! At the time, the first software that people worked, that they had bought and everything, was integrated with 3D Max. Then you opened 3D Max and it plugin was one. Today they desmembraram this and is this software that is here. Flame 3D Designer. It you the desmembrado one, but it talks closely with 3D Max. You construct in 3D Max and export the structures pra it, you understood? Then, thus, it (3D Designer) basically is an exhibition software. This there, in the case, it is of estruturao, understood? The construction, the geometric forms, this type of thing you go to make in 3D Max. The free creation is in 3D Max. The creation (3D Designer) is a little more truncated here, because it is a tool that you of mobility pra not to make this, understood? Then, thus, it has some parts that have that to be respected in this process of creation.



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