GmbH Wohrdstrasse

Real time services require staff of Tubingen, the almato GmbH the 19th September 2012 at the rising popularity of real time service (RTS) warns not to underestimate the importance of real staff for the quality of customer service. The company from Tubingen refers to the often unused potentials that lie in improving the software-based support service staff. The most recent study of the Berlin Institute for communications and service design is the growing popularity of real-time services. Therefore, 89% of the companies surveyed assume that real time solutions in the near future will gain in importance. Technologically the real focus time services according to the survey on mobile apps and cloud services (76 percent), social networks (63 percent) and virtual Advisor (61 percent).

Focusing on technologies, where the support of customers by service staff completely eliminates, shortens the theme of real time services and neglected important aspects”, explains Peter s. Hall, Managing Director of almato GmbH. the technologies most often mentioned are certainly well suited for simple standardised procedures and concerns. As soon as a task in the customer service, but becomes more complex, experts are still indispensable. High-quality real-time services do not do without real contact.” According to the study, the proponents of RTS expect an increase of customer value (95 percent) and improving customer interaction (92 per cent).

Study participants expect especially productivity (66 percent), a gain in efficiency (66 percent) and a simplification of the service (61 percent) of RTS. Here however almato sees the major advantage of customer service, which relies on contact center agents and real customer service department. However, the company stressed that especially the increasing number of tasks to use communication channels and the software applications can lead to overloading of the employees. Ever more extensive performance of a Service centers is, the more different programs and applications to operate the staff finally edit the requests of the customers. This stress, error cause and often a high cost. Also, suffers from”the quality of service including call which gets directly to the customer, reports Peter s. Hall. The solution lies according to almato in real time interaction management (RTIM) relieve concepts, the service staff. A RTIM system analyzes all the data from the applications that uses the service employees on the basis of prior to user-defined business rules. RTIM is then specific recommendations available, which help the client Advisor, to make perfect decisions during the processing of the case. Through the combination of technology that reduces complexity, and service staff who can respond individually to customers, also the central promise of real time services are accessible. RTS, so services in real time, are in many industries be decisive contest. However, only a few service processes can be handled really completely, for example, via an app. Also the question whether customers really want this arises”, Peter s. Hall summarizes. We advise any company to put everything on a map, but on the mix of service staff and supporting IT systems.” The almato GmbH offers innovative solutions, the customer service center is put in a position to achieve optimum results from every single customer contact. The focus of business activities is the distribution and the demonstrably successful implementation of software solutions for real time interaction management, quality monitoring, pure voice recording, e-learning and customer satisfaction survey with integrated analysis and reporting tools. While almato acts as a full service provider.



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