Marine Research

Siguryonsson, T. Sigurdsson Institute of Marine Research, Reykjavik, Iceland is generally accepted that, in addition to data on fishing activities for the effective management of fish stocks is very important biological data. The required level of knowledge depends on the particular species of fish and intensity of exploitation reserves. This paper focuses on three main examples fisheries management of the Northeast Atlantic: fishing letnenerestuyuschey herring off Iceland, the Icelandic cod fishery and the pelagic fishery for redfish in the Irminger Sea. Managing a local herring stock letnenerestuyuschey by means of long-accepted fishing strategy, based on the optimal level of exploitation (F0, 1), which resulted in full restoration of previously eroded the stock of herring in the last 30 years and reached a relatively stable catch, not reacting to fluctuations in recruitment, commercial factors, or mistakes in evaluating a stock.

Icelandic cod stock was subjected to intensive use for over 50 years. It still represents the single most important stock exploitation and managed by Iceland. For decades, this craft carefully tracked and studied. In the past 10 years, the management of this reserve in accordance with clearly designated and approved strategy of long-term yield, developed by biologists and economists together with representatives of the fishing industry. This increased the efficiency of inventory management, but requires more serious measures to ensure more rational use of stock due to excessively high intensity of fishing for a long time, and increased uncertainty in stock assessment than expected. International fishing pelagic Irminger Sea perch is an example of how the scientific basis remains unsatisfactory despite the considerable efforts of scientists, made in recent years. Here we can not just answer a question about the status of the stock, while our knowledge about the reproduction of the stock is very limited. This suggests a more cautious approach in the management of reserves than was made previously.

Thus, the stock is in a dangerous condition due to poor management caused by the lack of scientific knowledge and insufficient response to the relevant authorities. These three control schemes show how important evidence-based biological data about exploited stocks in order to achieve effective management. They suggest that moderately exploited stocks is much less responsive to excessive operation related to mismanagement or lack of scientific knowledge about their basic parameters than the supply, constantly subjected to over-exploitation. In addition, they show the need to integrate signs of over-exploitation or insufficient scientific data to implement the precautionary approach in determining management measures. FISHING IN THE NORTH ATLANTIC: REALITY AND PROSPECTS.

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