Mehrschad Zaeri Esfahani

“” CyberForum starts with the ‘LoomingDay’ consulting and Qualifizierungsange bot for migrants workers Karlsruhe, July 29, 2013 – do not submerge the challenge accept “under this motto the CyberForum, last week hosted the LoomingDay” for migrants /-who want to gain a foothold in the industry. The aim of the event was to give a motivation boost to the participants before the holidays so that they cannot fall into the impending silly season. Under the guidance of Mehrschad Zaeri Esfahani, Managing Director of parsQube GmbH, the participants received a glimpse into the Scrum project management method”an important qualification which is needed for many employers in IT. The LoomingDay took place in OpenIT project, which promotes the work mark integration of migrant workers. Demographic change, falling birth rate and a lower number of school-leaving certificates – according to BITKOM vacant are already today nationwide about 43,000 jobs in the IT industry. At the same time, migrant workers have it difficult to gain a foothold – often, because degrees in Germany are not recognised or feared a prolonged induction process due to language and cultural barriers in the labour market.

The OpenIT project was launched to facilitate the entering of IT migrant workers. It is one of 21 sub-projects of the IQ network Baden-Wurttemberg, the migrant workers of the nationwide programme of IQ”through consulting and qualification opportunities for labour market integration supported. Specifically, this means that IT coaches train the participants individually and depending on their professional knowledge search for a matching entry: internship, training, post training or direct entry. Training and qualification programs such as the LoomingDay form an important building block. In the Center stood last Thursday”the Scrum project management method, which often comes in software development to the application. Mehrschad Zaeri Esfahani, Managing Director of parsQube GmbH conducted the workshop to do so and certified Scrum trainer. Esfahani reported first as he arrived in Germany in 1986 and then conducted the Scrum seminar with theoretical and practical units.

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