National Plan
It fits to stand out that one of the strategies of the National Plan of Education (2011-2020) is ' ' To keep national program of reorganization and acquisition of equipment for schools of the field, as well as of production of didactic material and formation of professors for the education of the field, with special attention to the classrooms multisseriadas' '. We believe that from the knowledge of the history of this Nesting let us obtain to produce some materials, the example of ' ' histories infantis' ' , pastimes (word-crossed and hunting-words), diverse activities, configuring the didactic book. We are working in the extension project that will become Real this proposal in the University of the State of the Bahia, Campus XV. It fits to mention despite the proposal of the production of didactic materials will be compromised to questions as sustainable development, cultural diversity and sort. How much to the question ' ' gnero' ' , the participation called our attention the seated D. Maria in the dynamics of the conquest and maintenance of the land. It is one of the women whom its seated identity values very of; she speaks with pride and emotion of the history of the nesting.
We think about elaborating an infantile history that counts its history. FINAL CONSIDERAES We observe in the interviews carried through with the seated ones that the first memories focaram events and experiences that the group of occupation lived deeply, the verbal register of the souvenirs left in the fight for the ownership of the land, of the marks printed in the body and the soul of these people. It does not have as not to perceive that the proximity with the city is about one ' ' hand way dupla' '. If on the other hand it facilitates the commerce, the access to the insumos and industrial goods, for another one, represent a problem in the construction of the identity of seated of the children and young.
Tags: history