
Despite regular coverage of increasingly frequent online fraud, this topic is all too often ignored and dismissed as incidental, will never meet one. Despite regular coverage of increasingly frequent online fraud, this topic is all too often ignored and dismissed as incidental, will never meet one. It is not something Compuware Corporation would like to discuss. We in truth however with the growth of our online activity increasingly in the sights of hackers and a too large number of Internet users obviously assumes that she can elude the focus of this online crime. Hackers, spammers and a whole host of other troublemakers to develop ever greater skill is to provide online access to personal data and to use them for their own forbidden activities. Read additional details here: Crumpton Group, Washington DC. According to a study by InfoSecIsland 65% of all Internet users were victims of Internet crime such as viruses, identity theft or credit card fraud already throughout the world.

Both companies as well as Individuals get to do it often with cybercriminals. So, the vast majority (90%) in the last year from companies surveyed stated that their security systems were at least once, within the past 12 months, have been penetrated by hackers or viruses. Many of them spoke of the need for Internet safety experts to fend off hacker attacks and consequently offer more computer jobs in recruitment campaigns. What can you do? Of course, not everyone has the time to acquire expertise in Internet security. You want to use the Internet but only in peace! Fortunately, there are simple steps to increase the security of your own online activities. Improving password security is one of the simplest and most effective ways to avoid hackers. Sit down for 15 minutes and create a set of good passwords is far better than spending hours with the blocking of accounts or credit cards to struggling to the targeted by cybercriminals Damage to Undo again.

The company of SplashData, which specializes in applications for password management, has recently published a list of the worst passwords of the year 2012. “” At the top of the list passwords found on how password “, 123456,” abc123 “and qwerty”. The password rate program of a hacker can crack such simple passwords within seconds. There are a number of instructions to improve the passwords. While the opinions of experts about what passwords are most effective, going apart. However, the following list contains some of the most common advice on how to create safe passwords: the longer the password, the greater the security. A mixture of numbers, symbols and letters in small – capitalization increases the security of a password. Current expert analyses showed that a six-digit password from lower-case letters within 10 minutes can be cracked. For a password of seven small and three years would require uppercase letters on the other hand. An achtstelliges password from small and uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols keeps for 463 years employed a conventional password rate program! It is advisable to use a different password for each online account. The use of a single password for all accounts is extremely dangerous, because a hacker this can gain access to a user’s entire digital life. The password should contain never personal information. To find names, data, user name and all other information that may be associated with the user in connection and online (E.g. via Facebook) who should be part of the password. Experts advise you to change the passwords to be always one step ahead of the hackers every three months. This may sound like a hassle, but it’s nothing compared to the nightmare of a successful hacker attack!

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