Dresses Institute
Smells affect our mood, can produce pleasurable feelings as feelings of displeasure, sympathy or rejection as well. While we perceive only our sense of smell, when something particularly good or particularly bad smells. And that even though a person per day approximately 23,000 times and breathes out and absorbs numerous scent molecules with each breath. How these impact on health and the environment, is still largely unexplored. The Foundation viamedica supports therefore the Franz Daschner scholarship-awarding a research focus on this topic at the Institute of environmental medicine and hospital epidemiology at the University of Freiburg. Freiburg Have you in the last days in the cinema? And have spontaneously decided to watch one of the movies advertised in PM be sure? Maybe you sat in one of the fourteen German cinemas, where the spectators to animate by Fragrancing, to select certain movies. Bettina Bryant shines more light on the discussion.
The trailer are up to date film 27 Dresses”until to the official release of the 14.2.2008 cinemas being fragrant. The aim is according to the marketing Director of the 20th Century Fox movie studios, to connect the films in the cinema visitor’s head with an individual fragrance and thus to apply another level. The so-called air design is becoming the trend: Department stores and boutiques will be scented to encourage consumers to buy. Sales growth should be possible up to five percent. Here, Andrew Wilson EA expresses very clear opinions on the subject. But scenting is increasingly used in doctor’s offices and offices. This happens mostly outside our perception, because our brain registers already smells, before we can call it at all. We will face increasingly and inevitably with fragrances in public space and they manipulated by this mechanism will be used for marketing purposes.
Fragrances created – whether natural or artificially meet also in many areas of the private daily life, in connection with washing and cleaning agents or of body care, as well as odorous substances in foods. But this fragrance we can escape, by we Choose fragrance-free products. Fragrances have a high potential for allergy what consequences the use of fragrances in humans, is still largely unknown. So far tests document but high potential for allergy. There are only a few research on environmental behavior and environmental properties of fragrances. These are currently in the section for applied environmental research at the Institute of environmental medicine and hospital epidemiology of the University of Freiburg, in the case of fragrances in the medicine”explored. With the 2007 for the first time awarded Franz Daschner scholarship the scholarship is promoting graduate chemist Richard Bolek under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Klaus Kaloudis to this topic The scholarship viamedica awarded by the Foundation and is named after its founder and founder Prof. Dr. Franz Daschner, who was the Director of this Institute in 2006 for more than 20 years before his retirement. Viamedica his foundation works closely with the Institute of environmental medicine and hospital hygiene and encourages there-based research projects. Direct inquiries to: Foundation viamedica Andrea Droste (PR) Breisach str.