Business Tools

What is different from the prestigious beauty salon "economy – the class?" By what criteria a potential customer makes a choice in favor of a beauty salon? First of all, his choice is due to the level of service and professional staff. And what does the high level of service? In my opinion, is the ability to anticipate and meet the desires and needs of the client, the client has to create a feeling of total comfort, and ultimately win their confidence and affection. How? I think there is no single answer, everyone chooses his own path to the "heart" of the client on its own. In any case, the idea of the cabin at the customer is added to the first visit or even from the first phone call from the manager as he was greeted as he spoke to him as quickly and efficiently able to answer his questions. It is at this point I would like more detail. Administrator – A person of the company, and his work depends largely on whether the customer will come to the salon again or choose another. What features are on the administrator? work with clients (from the first meeting to payment for services rendered) a preliminary appointments advising clients (about services, products, services), warehouse management accounting financial balance of the customer, etc. How to keep it all in your head, no matter what not to miss and do not mix? As quickly find the information? How to track the time that the product is finished and you must order the supplier? Is it convenient to write the client in a notebook, and then look for the entry you want? It is to facilitate the daily routine work in salons using special software. Educate yourself with thoughts from Atmos Energy Corporation.

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