Archive for April 2016


The Nature

More rational that it makes what says. when it says is because it is really putting an idea in course. You know who this I inhabit, only this you inhabit, that is, to live its days to carry through its ideas, or said of another form: To live, is here and now what it shows the difference between failed people of success and, notices that this independe of its degree of intelligence. You can have an intelligence quotient beirando the genius, but all its ideas shining they go the same for thin, few really are carried through until the end. thus, we see a negativista shining, eloquente, that it explains and it proves why the things had not been carried through. Of the other side we have the being of medium intelligence that it was not bafejado by Gods, with dons exuberant that became it an illuminated being, but found the strategy to mold its life with the simple ones inhabits of for in practical its ideas. starts if to differentiate of the common ones, because, even so its thought is little fast, spends its time not in conjecturas, but in accomplishments. What makes healthful an enterprising man, alive, integrated in the life is its capacity of for in courses its ideas.

To have ideas is proper of any a rational being. It is indifferent if these ideas are formed in one week or in a flashing, what after all it goes really to make the difference is if they will be ece of fishes in practical or not. If you to write down its ideas, only the ones that have the nature of objectives to be reached, but that they are strict inside of its physical capacity, financial and intellectual to be atingveis for its proper effort, certainly, you will have in hands a beautiful agenda.


The So Paulo laborers, denouncing facing the pelegos unions, they had unchained actions that had reed-echo in the Brazilian syndical fight. The unsatisfied syndical base with the performance of the pelegos of the cupola of the unions, not compromised with the interests of the laborers, in protest against this comodismo, such unchain strategical actions as: Operation Turtle deceleration of the production Commissions of 2 Plants. These strategies they had produced effect positives efficient, therefore, the So Paulo metallurgist with the mobilization movements had knocked down the pelegos unions and had started to fight against sustentculo of the Brazilian military dictatorship the wage wage freeze. The laborers had ignored the effective repressive syndical legislation, breaching, in the practical one, with the law antistrike initiating an performance that unleashed the syndical structure of the structure of the State. In this manner, they prepare land stops future stoppages, leaving of the phase of resistance for an ample movement of masses, followed for other categories, such as: doctors, bank clerks, public officers, among others, average segments of the society that had passed, with the end of the economic miracle, to quickly suffer the responsibility from the exploration, proletarizando itself. 1 Skin of the sheep with the used wool in the harnesses on which if it puts the saddle to soften the seat – word of contemptuous matrix, in the syndical movement (HOUAISS, 2001, p.2172). 2 the Commissions of Plants searched to approach the worker in its workstation, as well as stimulating the fight for conquest its rights. These Commissions had for objective to represent the specific interests of the laborers of each plant and become it great strategy of the new unionism. first Commission of Plant, officially recognized was of the Ford of Brazil, in Is Bernardo of the Field, in the 1981 strike (BRITO, 1983, p.


INTRODUCTION the starting point of this research is the development of the armaments through the conflicts. The technological advances had been bigger in elapsing of century XX, therefore in this century it had the two bigger world-wide catastrophes: first and World War II. World War II is a complex subject, with an immense variety of study objects. A subject not very explored is the strategical importance of the Air base of the Amap in this conflict. Most of the available sources in the Internet, for example, at least had not been written by Brazilian researchers, and yes for North Americans. The books only cite the air base, leaving to detach the events that had constructed its history. To the few, he is being constructed, through academic works, the rescue of the history of the Air base, but still it has the necessity to clarify its importance in amapaense history e, mainly, in the life of the remaining inhabitants of the times of the war.

The Second War was divided at two moments: offensive of the Axle and the counter-offensive of the allies. The first one is marked by the fast advance of the machine of German war on the countries of the Continental Europe. This period had beginning with the invasion of the Poland for the German troops and had its critical point during the German onslaughts against England, mainly for the sea, with the attacks of submarines the merchant ships that directed it the English ports. This golden period of the hegemony of Germany on the Continental Europe the same knew its first great revezes in 1942 in the north of Africa and during the beginning of the Soviet counter-offensive in Stalingrado in the end of year. As the period had as initial landmarks the surrender of the Sixth German Army in February of 1943 and first the great allied victories in the Battle of the Atlantic.

Relations Human

It stops to understand it, in first place, is necessary to know its meaning global that according to Odebrecht (1998, P. 194) ' ' … is the instrument for which the human beings dialogue, they negotiate and they arrive at the agreement, by means of the use of said word e, of complementary form, with the support of the written word and the language of nmeros' '. It can receive a plurality of meanings, contexts, interests and speeches she characterizes what it? of one she forms simple? as the face of the world contemporary. The efficient communication allows its users, an ample vision and significant of all the process with that it interacts this it makes of it, a primordial instrument for the growth and development, independent of the area, individual or sector of the society uses that it.

To understand what he is communication organizacional she is necessary to understand as if he gave its evolution in recent years. The traditional theoreticians of the administration well little emphasize the question of the communication in its works, to put, can themselves be taken off of history some important points to be observed in the evolution of the communication in the organizations. For this, valley to the penalty to observe and to associate the point of view of the following administrative theories. The Fordismo-taylorismo was the system based on the regimen of production tax for Henry Ford in its manufactures and ' ' scientific organization of trabalho' ' idea of Frederick W. Taylor. In what the organizacional communication makes reference, this system takes to the vertical communication (from top to bottom, that is, of the strategical one for the operational one) and autocratic, restricted the work orders (that is, the superior orders and the sobordinate obeys, without right the questionings). This system still today, is used in diverse organizations. The School of the Relations Human beings if gave as reaction the classic and scientific vision of the organizations.

National Plan

It fits to stand out that one of the strategies of the National Plan of Education (2011-2020) is ' ' To keep national program of reorganization and acquisition of equipment for schools of the field, as well as of production of didactic material and formation of professors for the education of the field, with special attention to the classrooms multisseriadas' '. We believe that from the knowledge of the history of this Nesting let us obtain to produce some materials, the example of ' ' histories infantis' ' , pastimes (word-crossed and hunting-words), diverse activities, configuring the didactic book. We are working in the extension project that will become Real this proposal in the University of the State of the Bahia, Campus XV. It fits to mention despite the proposal of the production of didactic materials will be compromised to questions as sustainable development, cultural diversity and sort. How much to the question ' ' gnero' ' , the participation called our attention the seated D. Maria in the dynamics of the conquest and maintenance of the land. It is one of the women whom its seated identity values very of; she speaks with pride and emotion of the history of the nesting.

We think about elaborating an infantile history that counts its history. FINAL CONSIDERAES We observe in the interviews carried through with the seated ones that the first memories focaram events and experiences that the group of occupation lived deeply, the verbal register of the souvenirs left in the fight for the ownership of the land, of the marks printed in the body and the soul of these people. It does not have as not to perceive that the proximity with the city is about one ' ' hand way dupla' '. If on the other hand it facilitates the commerce, the access to the insumos and industrial goods, for another one, represent a problem in the construction of the identity of seated of the children and young.

The Forces

The five forces that govern the competition in a sector Source: Porter (1986). Porter (1989) detaches the importance of the attractiveness of the industry for the formularization of the strategy. That is, the understanding of the forces that regulate the competition is basic to determine the ability of the organization to get superior taxes of return at the cost of capital. Thus it is perceived force of the incoming potentials when new companies who if insert in definitive segment with the objective to gain market parcels. This action directly intervenes with the offer-demand law, affecting the economy of sector (PORTER, 1986; 1989). suppliers are characterized by influencing directly on the organizations of all a market segment.

Through increase or reduction of prices and the product quality, they directly intervene with the costs and final product quality generated by the organization, being able through pressure to all reduce the taxes of yield of the sector (PORTER, 1986). The forces exerted for the purchasers are characterized, also, for all influence of a sector, being able to pressure for low prices, better quality or charging bigger disponibilizao of services. With this, the purchasers can cause with its requirements the reduction of the profitability raising the rivalry between the competitors (PORTER, 1986). The substitute products are not inserted goods and services in the determined sector that possess similarity to the products and/or services of the proper sector. This is, is products that are capable to substitute the satisfaction and necessity of the product supplied for determined sector for the same or minor value. How much bigger performance of the substitute, bigger product will be to the relation price/will be the pressure on the profit edge (PORTER, 1986). The rivalry between the companies, characterized for the competition, is characterized when one or more competing they are suffering some pressure, and decides to adopt better more competitive behavior adopting strategies for if locating.

Training, Coaching And Co.: The Career

Checklists help belongs to the working life at the choice of the suitable offer continuing education and training. You should be always up to date, because who cares not to his training in addition to the professional, can lose easily the connection in fast paced industries. Especially who inserts breaks, for example in the parental leave, should provide and take care of further training measures. So the training in the curriculum vitae looks not only beautiful but is actually useful, Lernwillige should note some points which will be presented in the following text. The need in our fast-paced information society, to bring the professional knowledge up to date, is indisputably additional qualifications and certificates will also increase the market value of personal”on the labour market. Discussions about shortages in Germany, which will worsen even further by the demographic development, also close with the conclusion: investment in good training measures are socially necessarily desirable and mostly makes sense applied in some cases money for employers and workers.

To make the measure but a sustainable success, selecting the right provider is the correct pre-and post-processing decisively, as well. Prior to the seminar is already an offer in the narrower choice, should be faced following questions: fit the requirements described in the program for me? Education and qualifications, experience and the like are meant here. Who looks over these questions, risks in the wrong movie”to sit. Also it helps to formulate the goals of further education in writing: what will I learn? Why do I need it? And how will I implement later learned in everyday working life? The goals are clear, the course or course description assumes once again under the microscope: the description of the content is meaningful? Is a concrete objective of the training formulated? Get the participant a certificate or certificate at the end? Subsequently, the details are to check on the progress of the measure.


OUR GOAL FOR 2011: 1,500 BIKERS AT THE START! The old football adage of “Never change a winning team” (one should not change a winning team) has again the organizer of South Tyrol SellRonda Hero MTB Marathon brought, also for the Second Edition in 2011 to offer the same competition formula. So presents itself to fans of the long-haul the “Europe’s hardest mountain bike race” after the successful opening of last June with 2 road gradients: a marathon distance of 82 kilometers and a route for all (or almost all) of 50 kilometres both in the midst of the Dolomites around Val Gardena, Alta Badia, Arabba, Fassa and Alpe di Siusi. And the date? The second edition of the Sudtirol SellRonda Hero MTB Marathon will take place on Saturday 2nd July 2011 with start and finish at 1,563 metres in Selva Val Gardena. The race in the four valleys around the Sella Group, which runs through the provinces of Bolzano, Trento and Belluno, has numerous innovations. Especially he is Sudtirol SellRonda Hero MTB Marathon 2011 national calendar (Italian FCI Cycling Federation) recorded and after the output zero by 2010 (with restriction of applications to 500 participants) the organisers have tripled the maximum number of participants increased to 1,500 bikers. But beware, because the registrations begin on Wednesday, October 20 on the Web site, which presents itself to fans for the occasion in a new dress in the spirit of the hero and the new presentation video of the event: 15765218.

The prize money is increased to 17,000 euros. 10% more, so that not only the Spitzenklassifizierten of the two routes with cash prizes can be won, but also participants, winning the mountains classification of Gardena pass and pass. Among the novelties introduced by the organizers and the diploma of hero time for participants, covering the distance of 82 kilometers in a time of less than 150% of the winner’s time.

New Book Proves: Real Estate Secure Assets Such As A Protection Wall

Asset protection and building wealth with real estate has tripled the national debt in Germany since 1990. In 2010, four European countries have gone almost bankrupt. 12 States are currently acutely threatened by a sovereign default. The only way for the State out of the debt trap is called “Inflation”, so “inflation”. The correct and timely investment in tangible assets, including loans, protects against the disguised expropriation called inflation. Inflation helps the investor even if he does it right. To respond not game and efficiently, not much remains of the pension. With the purchase of real estate can you prevent not only bad, but an erkleckliches asset build up.

Real estate is better than gold. Gold brings no rent and much less is created by banks as real estate. But how do you find the right property? What real estate is suitable? When worth buying? How to calculate yield and how do I determine real estate values? How do I deal with estate agents? Find answers to these questions not only in the Advisor “Asset protection and building wealth with real estate”. Currently practice the process of acquiring real estate, from the behavior during the tour, the price negotiations, describes and clearly up to the notary. After buying the real estate wants handled professionally. How to do it, is also described and explained. That’s not all. Also the tax effects are considered.

The book is the perfect guide for anyone who wants to protect himself and his property with an investment in tangible assets or want to build up a fortune in his understandable written way. The reader takes the recommendations to follow only step by step. Inflation – deflation – bankruptcy. No problem immediately. Acting as a real estate professional! Available in bookstores, at all major online retailers and on the homepage of the author. Also by Thomas Trepnau in the series of his landlord guides published: “The secret of the damp wall, rent reduction”, “More money with rent increases” and “reckon with Your tenants off – operating costs, the second rent”V.i.S.d.P and your contact person: Thomas Trepnau PO box 101028 93010 Regensburg E-Mail: company description the author Thomas Trepnau offers individually customized corporate training courses, as well as basic seminars organizers such as the Chambers of Commerce and industry and the Germans estate – Academy for landlord, property managers, owners, brokers, real estate financier and other real estate companies at. Also books on the topics of the seminar appear regularly in the publishing of company. By combining books, trainings, courses and seminars, Thomas Trepnau offers its customers optimal solutions at reasonable prices and guarantees to high quality in terms of timeliness and practicality. The training courses and workshops are carried out throughout Europe.


: Mediator online offers mediation as a sustainable solution for conflicts of POHNSDORF (hh). “We live in a culture of debate”, says Herbert Hofmann of the certified mediator (radius IKK) by: mediator online in Pohnsdorf: thus, few know that there are other ways to end conflicts as a lawyer to turn or even going to court. ” More than three quarters of all disputes can be settled out of court, amicably, quickly and permanently by means of mediation. Hanson: “that saves money, time, nerves and receives the tender ties, friendships, family and the job.” Already the old Germans knew that it is better for their community to resolve conflicts peacefully. They met on the thing square to present their problems and beneficial to solve with the help of recognized and accepted agent for all involved. Mediation is an out-of-court solution dispute, in which the partners in conflict find self-determined binding solutions.

Here they are from a neutral, trained mediator, the mediator was founded, supported. The success rate of mediation is up to 81 per cent, as an evaluation of the model project of Gerichtsnahe mediation in Lower Saxony”revealed. The term mediation”has both a Greek (medos = conciliator, impartial, neutral) as well a Latin (mediatio = placement) origin. It means between two views or holding the middle parties, a balance-rebated, is neutral, impartial verhaltend. Since the late of 1970s, the mediation now also in German-speaking countries is becoming increasingly important. Starting from the idea that every man for himself acquainted with the best solutions, the mediator helps the warring factions gently, to explore their needs, who are usually behind a dispute. The mediation to the mediation in family and divorce conflicts was initially mainly used in Germany.

Today, the mediation as a method of conflict resolution shows unexpected successes in nearly all areas of life. Stir the currently Mediation by Heiner Geissler in the dispute over the Stuttgart 21 rail project “. Herbert Hofmann stated: mediation is a clearly structured process. Goal of mediation is to find advantageous solutions for all parties involved. This means that we edit together a conflict where the clients for the content and the outcome of the mediation are responsible. The mediator is responsible for the process, the proper functioning of the mediation. “Hofmann: gladly I help you in the process, to find this agreement.” Unlike, for example, when a court dispute the parties themselves for the result are responsible. There are only winners. “Those who are interested in a mediation, can just the telephone number 0 43 42-7 88 04 39 select.” Further information available on with a free newsletter, an extensive link collection and comprehensive texts on the professional mediation in conflicts in the family, at work, in school, in the policy and where people want to fight, but prefer to live in peace. Contact and request images in: Herbert Hofmann: mediator of online Dorfstrasse 9 D-24211 Pohnsdorf Sievers village FON: +49-(0)1 60-90 80 02 85 fax: (0 18 03) 62 22 29 48 44

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