Archive for July 2017


Paul Watzlawick

“Often pejoratively, the term is used (stupid masses”, dimension”), on the other hand can masses as social movements bring culturally superior values such as justice and equality in the consciousness of public opinion or her than revolutionary masses” active politically enforce. Source:, from wikipedia, author the mass man is a species of herds or but a community-individual – Homo sociologicus? Being human at the same time participants of the physical world (Exo-ratio, real) and the virtual world (endo world, Dre, IR-real), is to understand the mechanisms of interaction between two worlds. He moves in the context of reality as an object in its truth, as protagonist or antagonist (subject) and constantly newly constructed his true perception. The “Communication researcher Paul Watzlawick divides reality in different orders: reality first-order the reality of first-order is what we experience daily along with other people, what experiments and by repetition, verifiable” sounds of specific objects is verifiable, such as for example the shape, color, scent,. “Reality 2nd-order the reality 2. order is based on an individual and with basic assumptions” to rewrite, we of the world through experience falsifiable have.

It is closely associated with meaning and values that we associate with the things in themselves, and the result of highly complex communications. Reality 3. order the reality of third-order is more or less uniform picture”we out of our experience creating. This level of reality is identical to our world image mechanistically or vitalistisch or our view of the world values, standards > rules, rites, rituals. The constructivist Heinz von Foerster defined Cybernetics second Order: Something to hurt. First-order Cybernetics: With it something is being done. Both ignore it, that we live in a real 4-dimensional physical and chemical world (matter energy space-time). We distinguish the nature (vitalistisch, control circuit) and the cultures! In fact studies have shown that many people immediately correct their behavior if it differs conspicuously from the average conscience: values world > standard.

Dangerous Ethreats

BitDefender E-threat report 2008-2010: Trojan clicker for most of the infections worldwide responsible Conficker only ranked 5 Holzwickede, June 21, 2010 years BitDefender released its E-report of threat every month, worldwide digital attackers to warn PC user. Now the virus protection experts has evaluated all threat-top 10 of the past two years the statistics. The result: Four Trojans lead the list of the most dangerous pests since 2008. With 6.70 percent infection rate clicker at the top. The well-known Conficker worm ranks 5.

Even though he appears not in the BitDefender top 10 since February 2010, clicker is the most dangerous pest of the past two years. The Trojan hidden mostly on websites with illegal applications, such as cracks, keygens and serials for commercial software. He is used by cybercriminals in particular to highlight advertisements within the browser. Trojan.AutorunINF.Gen second occupied (4.53 percent infection rate). This pest uses to disseminate an autorun.ini script have that all removable drives by default. Malware authors use the Windows autorun feature, to run malicious applications without noticing the user something. Trojan.Wimad is responsible for 3.07 percent of global infections since 2008 and thus holds the third place. It infects mainly advanced system format(ASF)-Dateien with a codec to download more pests.

Position four is a Trojan horse: Trojan.Exploit.SSX (2.29 percent). This is a silent”attacker who settles in unsecured sites and tampered with that browser, to download a malicious exploit code. One of the most prominent digital threats last year ranks 5: Conficker, Kido or Downadup called. He infected alone in the first quarter of 2009 more than 10 million computers worldwide. Many variants of Kido took in particular the Windows autorun feature to spread for removable media such as USB sticks or external hard drives. The goal of the Conficker authors was always a worldwide communication network to build, so the worm automates itself more widely as well as update, receives commands and in this way the defences of so many PCs as possible countered. Packer.Malware.NSAnti. 1 6th has since 2008 1.89 percent of all computers worldwide infected. This pest is a whole package”of Trojans, users visiting infected sites to catch up. Goal of the attacker is to steal passwords and sensitive information about users. Followed by one seventh of two exploits in the two year top of 10 SWF.(1.71 percent) is a Flash file that allows attackers to access via remote access to infected PCs, and to install a password-stealing Trojan. Trojan.Downloader.WMA.Wimad.N occupies with 1.70 percent position 8. This E-threat masquerades as an audio file in email attachments, usually named after a famous artist. Once activated, it opens a Web browser immediately to download other adware. Exploit.PDF-JS gene (1.69 percent) ranks last. These Malware tampered with the JavScript engine of the Adobe tools and runs to his malicious code on the respective machine. Barely in the top 10 from 2008 to 2010 is Win32.Sality.OG (1.63 percent), an extremely difficult to identifying polymorphic file infector that its encrypted code from exe – and injects scr files.


Information about uncut computer games and games or uncut games import versions of games for the PS3, X-box 360 or the PC of uncut called in the world of computer games, if a game before the release was not cut by the manufacturer to remove bloody passages and extreme depiction of violence. Many players however feel patronized by such an approach and would like the game to play, as it was planned by the developers. Partly it is only small incisions (so for example Monster kills lose oil instead of blood), which affect the gameplay, partly but also such substantial cuts are made, that is the flow of the game stalled, or will remove all content and missions. So, the term uncut in conjunction with computer games has the meaning of a quality label by the adult players can recognize that the game without these cuts will be sold. Why cut (cyberspace) the manufacturer now the games at all? Many games are for the German market in advance cut to get an indexing previously. In Germany are games prior to the release by the ESRB (entertainment software self-control) tested and approved for a certain age group binding (indicated by the ESRB seal).

The lower this rating goes down, the greater is of course also the market of potential customers. Some games (mostly shooter) are likely eh ab18 “released. Even these games are partially cut critical content, to prevent a possible indexing (advertising and ban). Indexing is the economic death sentence of a product on the German market. These games are however usually uncut to get abroad. Therefore some dealers have specialized also in Germany, to import these uncut games and exposing the German customers. Why buy an international uncut version of a game customer now? The games are often completely made and synchronized been before they were cut.

So often already with the German language version is located on the disk, the game can be so installed the German version without the annoying cuts and played. Still, these games are often much cheaper than the German versions. The only difference is often a foreign cover. Many players are now looking for the full game experience and search these uncut games. This however is a small niche, the dimensions of the player is probably about this, to be able to buy uncut games, not advised of the possibility, because the large German dealers not sell such versions lack. Thus, the international, uncut versions of the game are something for connoisseurs and enthusiasts who like to keep the original product in hands.

Theatre Signs

-Makeup: highlights the value of the face of the actor and along with mimicry, contributes to the physiognomy of the character (11). -The hairstyle: contributes, along with makeup and costumes, to make credible the character represented and provides fundamental data to decode the given sign. -Costume: it is the most conventional of defining man and almost always is linked to the signs belonging to other systems (12). -Accessory: autonomous system of signs located between the costumes and decor. -The decor: also called appliance theatrical or scenic or scenery, denoting the time and the place (geographical or social) (historical, station, time) of the dramatic to develop action. -Lighting: System of signs that show the scene depicted and valorise determined action, character, scenery, gesture, from the modeling done by light. -Music: contributes to the personification of the interpreter and the dramatic realization of the work. -Sound: here are considered the other noise, independent music, those caused by human behavior and the nature.

The theorist Roland Barthes for its part, also spoke about the systems of signs in the theatrical representation, and, for example, raised, referring to the theater: what is Theatre? A species of cybernetic machine. When it is in sleep mode, the machine is hidden by a curtain. e matter. When this rises the machine begins sending a series of messages (signals) in our direction. The originality of these messages is it flow simultaneously, but with different rhythms. In certain moments of the show we have simultaneously received six or seven messages (emanating from the scenography, costumes, lights, space in which actors, his gestures and words, of his mimicry are distributed). Some of these messages are stable (the scenery, for example), while others last for only an instant (words, gestures). In this way, we have to deal with a real informational polyphony. This is precisely theatricality: density and saturation of signs (in comparison with the) unilinealidad of literature) (13).

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