Paul Watzlawick

“Often pejoratively, the term is used (stupid masses”, dimension”), on the other hand can masses as social movements bring culturally superior values such as justice and equality in the consciousness of public opinion or her than revolutionary masses” active politically enforce. Source:, from wikipedia, author the mass man is a species of herds or but a community-individual – Homo sociologicus? Being human at the same time participants of the physical world (Exo-ratio, real) and the virtual world (endo world, Dre, IR-real), is to understand the mechanisms of interaction between two worlds. He moves in the context of reality as an object in its truth, as protagonist or antagonist (subject) and constantly newly constructed his true perception. The “Communication researcher Paul Watzlawick divides reality in different orders: reality first-order the reality of first-order is what we experience daily along with other people, what experiments and by repetition, verifiable” sounds of specific objects is verifiable, such as for example the shape, color, scent,. “Reality 2nd-order the reality 2. order is based on an individual and with basic assumptions” to rewrite, we of the world through experience falsifiable have.

It is closely associated with meaning and values that we associate with the things in themselves, and the result of highly complex communications. Reality 3. order the reality of third-order is more or less uniform picture”we out of our experience creating. This level of reality is identical to our world image mechanistically or vitalistisch or our view of the world values, standards > rules, rites, rituals. The constructivist Heinz von Foerster defined Cybernetics second Order: Something to hurt. First-order Cybernetics: With it something is being done. Both ignore it, that we live in a real 4-dimensional physical and chemical world (matter energy space-time). We distinguish the nature (vitalistisch, control circuit) and the cultures! In fact studies have shown that many people immediately correct their behavior if it differs conspicuously from the average conscience: values world > standard.

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