Real Techniques
Rockenbach et al. (2003) they had objectified the analysis of the small farms for rank of implantations and had evaluated the trustworthiness of carried through the linear cat scan and the panoramic x-ray with equipment of rays-x Vera View Scope X-600 (Morita), being that the sample consists of 20 hemimandbulas dry human beings, whose selected area beed situated it 1,5 cm for distal of the previous limit of the mentual forame and had concluded that the techniques are adjusted for accomplishment of vertical linear measures in the selected area, however, had recommended the use of a safety margin of 2,0mm. Liang et al. (2004) they had evaluated the risk of damages to the mandibular canal when of the attainment of images for the Conventional Cat scan and had approached the difficulties found for the Implantodontista. Cortez (2005) affirms that the radiogrfico examination after the installation of endsseos implantations is important half an assistant of diagnosis to evaluate the alterations in the fabric sseo adjacent, therefore during the repair phases and remodelling, in the first year after implantation occurs a reduction of the bone delinquent and the periapicais x-rays possess limitations to detect these sseas losses precociously. It concluded in its work that the use of the digital radiogrfica subtraction has the capacity of similar diagnosis the conventional digitalizada image in the evaluation of the ssea density, however, measures of ssea height can have values next to the Real using subtraction images.
All that one that if to venture in practical the surgical one has the obligation of a deep anatomical knowledge of the zones to approach surgically and to take all the precautions to prevent unnecessary risks. CHAPTER III EVALUATION OF the USE OF the CAT SCAN COMPUTERIZED On the advantages and disadvantages, Williams et al. (1992) they had affirmed that the Computerized Cat scan presents innumerable advantages on the others used techniques of radiogrfico diagnosis in the Implantodontia. She is faster and it produces bigger precision in the reproduction of anatomical structures that the linear cat scan. These structures can continuously be visualized without the overlapping and the detail of the fabric soft is preserved. The Computerized Cat scan the combination of the techniques results in a total of inferior radiogrfica exposition, in part due the capacity to reconstruct the original information of the Cat scan Computerized in the desired orientation on the contrary of the reverse speed-exposition of the patient. However, he is not free of disadvantages, in the presence of metallic restorations can cause devices, being necessary therefore bigger precautions to certify themselves of that the mapping of the axial plan prevents the crown of teeth. The metals in the roots of teeth, such as bolts and points of silver, not s