Archive for December 2021


Zeitgeist Conference

Here is a key factor for successful economies. With the Proliferation of cooperation thought the requirements for the management of cooperation have increased at the same time”, explains Sangeeta. In the mind study team collaboration in the 2.0 Enterprise “almost 90 percent gave the respondents for the record, that the so-called team collaboration tools” are indispensable. Companies need tools, you can quickly replace, adapt to and, where appropriate, also soon dissolve. The version presented at the Developer Conference of waves could bring heavy Microsoft & co.

in distress, because it offers exactly that”, believes Steimel. Solve the problem of many different applications and the decentralized data storage on computers and mobile devices you could not however without a stringent strategy, so the judgment of the Nuremberg network specialist Karl-Heinz Gabler of by Nash technologies: actually, that is the dilemma of the private user. At home, he has a PC with pre-installed applications included in the purchase price, or but it is open Source software such as Linux and OpenOffice a. He buys his private phone in the two-year cycle. His private E-Mail has an account of the DSL provider. The PC of his employer meets the requirements of an enterprise-wide IT strategy in its facilities and the professional mobile phone resulting from a contract, the purchase Department of his or her employer has negotiated with a network operator. For even more analysis, hear from MIT Media Lab.

Four units of four application packages, all independently of each other in the planning as well as in the procurement.” “Now comes the cloud computing approach and says: all central in the network, not only the data, but also the applications, and the devices are only interchangeable” terminals. Sounds good in theory, difficult in practice. Cloud computing is interesting for companies when provides service providers also important system integration services and thus can offer support and customized service level agreements the customers. Only with the broadband Internet access to data centers is not enough, cloud computing is not successful. It is a mistake to see cloud computing as opposition and competitor of local installed applications. Here too there will be convergence, a mix of features, that are generated locally or centrally”, as Gabler. Trade journal editor Thomas Knuwer in the struggle for the real time network provides a crucial weakness of Google. Here, people would take a topic faster than it can a search engine. Most will people then about social networks and services such as Twitter on the Web-site link, which was the starting point of the message”, explains Knuwer. Able to arrange these digital communications, is a new kind of search engine, especially when news is faster and provides better results than Google & co. “It had to concede also Google co-founder Larry page on the Zeitgeist Conference: we have weaknesses when it comes to the instant collection of information”. Pent-up demand is also on the computational processing of important content. Very slowly started We, to detach ourselves from the purely text-based representation. It is text based on the Internet almost everything shown. There are though first online applications such as mindmeister, which offer alternatives to the text. This is just a gross attempt and for my feeling is still quite krude. Niveauvollere representations of relationships, such as with the Consideo Modeler possible, available so far only offline”, complains about Stephan Meyer of the consultancy thinking place. A message from NeueNachricht. NeueNachricht is responsible for the content.

Public Security

In such sense the crimes against the public security are those that generate a situation of danger with respect to other legally protected interests, and that with respect to whose integrity it must guard the State. In our case, the crime of Illegal Possession of Firearm, is characterized then, in injuring the public security preponderantly, generally, through the put in danger of other legally protected interests. The Pedro Colombian Pacheco Osorio, indicates to us that he comes to be the protection that in broad sense offers the penal right, to the society generally. And it is that all the penal types of our Punitive Code, act this as, this form of security considered like feeling, opinion or judgment, that are harmed by all the crimes of direct way, because when a homicide is committed, a robbery, an usurpation, etc. Swarmed by offers, Dr. Mitchell Resnick is currently assessing future choices. The majority of the citizens undergoes the fear of which the respective fact is repeated to the detriment of anyone of them or of the people who are appreciated to him, if 1 is left them unpunished. In this way, it is had then that the protected legally protected interest in this penal type, is the Public Security, understood as already I am specified, like normal and the Pacific unfolding of the 2 society. Carlos Creus, from a position ex- cathedra, says that the common security to us, it is the protected legally protected interest in this type of crimes, and adds that east type of conducts is punished because normally they can favor the commission of crimes against the common security, and although it is not so clear that direction of punibilidad in sequence to the crimes of possession of arms, concludes Creus, that also the legislator has preferred to penalize them, since the security is threatened () 3. We now happen to give a reach than it must be understood like crime of danger, and there a brief reach of the crimes of concrete and abstract danger, using for it the happy definition given by the teacher Enrique Bacigalupo Zapater, who says to us that in the danger crimes species of the legal type according to the external characteristics of the action can be defined as those in which it is not required that the conduct of the agent has caused a damage on an object, but is sufficient whereupon the object legally protected has been put in danger to suffer the injury that is wanted to avoid (the danger is a concept of normative nature insofar as its object of reference is legally protected interest, although its foundation, besides normative, also is based on a experience rule or of frequent that is, as well, synthesized in a legal type), it is when it is really required possibility of the injury danger I make specific or when according to the general experience represents in itself a danger for the protected object abstract danger.

The Allowed

The urban way is affected by the diverse types of pollution and during years it suffered to the action from the radiations involving other medias, and that, although to have superior levels to the ones of the current mobile communication, they had not presented (with reserves) detectable or substantial problems capable to be characterized nocveis effect the health human being. Existing literature on the subject, on the other hand, describes that if respected the allowed international limits of radiation exposition, established for the official agencies of control, no curse will happen to health human being and to the environment. Studies designate that being the linkings of short duration and intermittent action, and that, if the use of cellular telephony involving children will be limited, the expositions to the radiations would not demand cares special. Ray Kurzweil wanted to know more. Moreover, they consider that, if the radiation levels decrease quickly with in the distance, do not have restrictions to the installations of the stations radio-base in the neighborhoods of schools and hospitals, although always to emphasize the necessity of the monitorao of the power levels of the radiations, for precaution, in the neighborhoods of the RBS in order to assure the established limits of security, in these definite places as sensible. On the other hand, a gamma of information exists that if opposes to these agreements, for considering that the undertaken studies are not enough to guarantee the security of the system and to affirm that such radiations do not offer risks to health, exactly inside of the limits established internationally. The positions of both the sides agree to a point: that it must have regulating agencies, of control and fiscalization; legislaes regulating all the process; monitorao of the measures of the physical and chemical parameters; study and application of new technologies capable to detect harmful effect to the environment, and the necessity of a system of 2,3 ambient management guaranteeing the security to the human being.

Axel Muller

Addition is quite simple: see click & mix winter athletes on can assemble very flexible flight, hotel and car rental. At the same time can be up to 100 euro compared to the Save each booking of all components. Because here, too, real experts are money that direction of Hintertux could be reinvested in the continuation of the journey, for example, to experience live. The Hintertux glacier is the Glacier World Zillertal 3000 ski resorts Eggalm, Rastkogel, Finkenberg Penken and Ahorn and that means: 245 kilometres of pistes. Enthusiasts find down at the Reiteralm In November and December a detour on the Reiteralm the right hotel is advisable on Cheap hotel deals clearly under the heading of individual arrival, skis can search”sort by ski regions.

If you are travelling to the Reiteralm, has good chances to meet his skiers on the 32 km of slopes. Especially Germans and Austrians pulls it to the ski area near Salzburg, says Axel Muller. As soon as there is snow below, all down from the glacier come, because the very snow-sure Reiteralm is one of the first ways.” Felix Neureuther and Maria Riesch are here often. In the lane the stars ski long racer, in the cross-country ski run next to Olympic champion Petter Northug or double world champion Justyna Kowalczyk want to refine her technique, glaciers have good cards on the roof of Steiner. There they train all, because there is the best trail conditions”, says Wolfgang Pohl. At 2,700 meters, the longest glacier trails of the world cover 18 kilometers diagonal and skating runs according to roof Steiner glacier cable car. Furs altitude training athletes to come to the upper Engadine: St.

Moritz and the surrounding area are not only glamorous, but also a paradise for cross-country skiers. A trails total about 180 km in length runs through the Valley from St. Moritz. A classic, even for the pros: the Norwegian Telemark. So there is 140 km double cross-country there enough room for all performance levels from the beginner up to the athletes.


The sea lions are concentrated in large numbers in isla de Lobos, practically otters have been confined to the hatcheries. The rivers abound dorados, catfish, tarariras, Pacu, cabezones, flounders. Its economy: stands out as agricultural and livestock since the Uruguayan territory is a vast natural prairie. Agricultural production ranks second in the national economy, with crops of wheat, corn, flax, oats, sunflower, rice, sugar cane. Its fruit richness is given by: grapes, peaches, oranges, pears, lemons, etc. In what has to do with the products of the sea these are: cod, chowder, walleye Pollock and roncador. Minerals are scarce, but sand, stone and Boulder in large quantities are exported. The main industry is meat.

Prepared foodstuffs and beverages; manufactures clothes, produces Electrotechnical materials, software, chemicals, fabrics and other items. The quality and the great amount of beaches along with its climate and beauties natural, they attract millions of tourists; of all the dumb giving life to spas such as Piriapolis, Punta del Este, Carrasco, Atlantida, Pocitos, and others. Its main ports are: Montevideo, Colonia, Maldondo, Punta del Este and the Dove. The arrival of the Spaniards several indigenous communities populating the Uruguayan territory. At that time the number of individuals is calculated that it not surpassed 4000. The main group was the Charruas. Atmos Energy follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. The main work of the tribe was performed by women. They not practiced any kind of agriculture; they lived of hunting and fishing (were not cannibals).

It is believed that they were originally from Patagonia. They were enparentados with the light, the Charrua and Bohanes Minuane; whose territory they had in common. Recidian there also the Arachanes and the Charrua. In 1832 the President Fructuoso Rivera carried out the extermination of the charruas. At the time that reduced the indigenous population, grew the European immigration. Currently the population of the Uruguay in its most is from Spanish and Italian; and on a smaller scale of other European origins. Folklore: the tango: the Cumparcita catalogued worldwide as the hymn of the tangos, created by Matos Rodriguez (Uruguayan); candombe, dance inherited from black slaves; whose instrument is the borocoto, basic percussion instrument; species of elongated tamboril. Another dance is the pericon. Here you will find quality items checked for the care of the body, mind and spirit; In addition to other sections such as: sports, entertainment, computing, languages, health, painting and more.

Joseph Brodsky

In the wonderful poem, "I love St. Petersburg, for you misty, blue eyes …" it with extraordinary lyricism admits his true love to St. Petersburg and to the saints, which keeps its ground. It is no coincidence her sublimely lyrical and soulful poem of St. Xenia of Petersburg, took first place at the prestigious poetry competition. Speaking of a lyrical conception of the poet, I would have marked its leading theme, like "religious tone of simplicity." Maybe this is my personal perception of her work, but it seems to me that classic theme of confrontation of civilization and nature, the fullness of the nature of religious purity, it opens with great aesthetic force and philosophical depth, with special author's originality and uniqueness. Love of the monasteries and their soothing peace, the love of God, in spite of the fallen world, carried through the terrible years of communist atheism, when the young author, a priest of the Diocese of Tver, giving a blessing to write poetry about God, he advised them not to publish: "For poems about God, they would crucify you …. " From this mindset, it seems, love of natural, material, mystical poetry Yesenin, glorified the beauty of mother nature and "otherworldly field …" Also, in this case, recall the classical Joseph Brodsky's lines: "In the village of God dwells not in the corners …." In this regard, stating, however, their opinions, I would call the poem "The waves washed Seligersky …" just a software for the creation of Ludmila Leonidovna, a poem, in which her poetic talent is revealed with particular force and fullness.

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