Public Security

In such sense the crimes against the public security are those that generate a situation of danger with respect to other legally protected interests, and that with respect to whose integrity it must guard the State. In our case, the crime of Illegal Possession of Firearm, is characterized then, in injuring the public security preponderantly, generally, through the put in danger of other legally protected interests. The Pedro Colombian Pacheco Osorio, indicates to us that he comes to be the protection that in broad sense offers the penal right, to the society generally. And it is that all the penal types of our Punitive Code, act this as, this form of security considered like feeling, opinion or judgment, that are harmed by all the crimes of direct way, because when a homicide is committed, a robbery, an usurpation, etc. Swarmed by offers, Dr. Mitchell Resnick is currently assessing future choices. The majority of the citizens undergoes the fear of which the respective fact is repeated to the detriment of anyone of them or of the people who are appreciated to him, if 1 is left them unpunished. In this way, it is had then that the protected legally protected interest in this penal type, is the Public Security, understood as already I am specified, like normal and the Pacific unfolding of the 2 society. Carlos Creus, from a position ex- cathedra, says that the common security to us, it is the protected legally protected interest in this type of crimes, and adds that east type of conducts is punished because normally they can favor the commission of crimes against the common security, and although it is not so clear that direction of punibilidad in sequence to the crimes of possession of arms, concludes Creus, that also the legislator has preferred to penalize them, since the security is threatened () 3. We now happen to give a reach than it must be understood like crime of danger, and there a brief reach of the crimes of concrete and abstract danger, using for it the happy definition given by the teacher Enrique Bacigalupo Zapater, who says to us that in the danger crimes species of the legal type according to the external characteristics of the action can be defined as those in which it is not required that the conduct of the agent has caused a damage on an object, but is sufficient whereupon the object legally protected has been put in danger to suffer the injury that is wanted to avoid (the danger is a concept of normative nature insofar as its object of reference is legally protected interest, although its foundation, besides normative, also is based on a experience rule or of frequent that is, as well, synthesized in a legal type), it is when it is really required possibility of the injury danger I make specific or when according to the general experience represents in itself a danger for the protected object abstract danger.



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