Digital Domains

Internet and mobile phone more demands have become the two tools and essential in a society as it points the second study prepared by the Observatory of trends at Nokia. Leave the House without the phone or being in the same without an Internet connection, makes the individual a being held incommunicado since much of their social environment makes it through an sms, Facebook, e-mail or Messenger. This desire by grouping the largest number of tools in a single stand has terminals become faithful friends of all users because they satisfy much of the daily needs. If long ago it was unthinkable, and almost insurmountable, access their email via mobile phone, connect to social networks, watch television or listen to the radio, now comes the latest great invention: domains. Tel. By rare and such that appear to the rest (.

com,. edu,. org) have nothing to do with them. These allow users to learn about any type of contact information for the owner (company or individual) the domain immediately from your mobile phone. With a domain,. Nurun. Tel, and a simple application in the form of directory, does not require development of a web page, it is possible to offer of contact of the company’s public, restricted mode or with key information to customers, suppliers in the case of individuals operating in similar since in the directory.

joserodriguez. Tel may receive contact information that it wanted the owner of the domain and restrict, if necessary, part of it for your group of friends, family, acquaintances these new domains are characterized, moreover, because stored information within the terminals with Internet access, so that are updated continuously and automatically allow any kind of contact. Below is a graphic example of application: since March 24, the domain is now available. Tel-level user from nine euros after a period of time where they were companies which booked their domains. A. Despite the fact that in Spain still is not well known, in countries like United States, where a hundred thousand domains were registered during the first two days, the main domains of important companies, like most of generic words in English and Spanish are already reserved.



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