If you started almost without nothing, have people absolutely starting with nothing, she sees when you enter in the life web you you have that to remember that has millions of people of another side and never she judges before starting a campaign. RELATIONSHIP AND VISIBILITY. Everybody makes campaigns of sales and speaks: – Ours we vendemos in such a way! Nobody analyzes what we can have lost. this occurred for does not keep a relationship with the person/company who entered in contact with you; The page when the person has access, is not what it is in its propaganda and it has that to be giving returns (some clicks) Understands the following one, today it is necessary to plan its spreading and has some tools for this and beyond everything we can automatize all process of its propaganda in web AS? Tools exist (gratuitous and paid) and that you can program some messages for its possible customers. With this tool you go to have a salesman who works 7 x 24 x 365, you you know that normally the customer purchase after 5 or 6 contact that you make with it, this tool of programmed reply automatic you go to have a salesman who does not go to cost almost nothing for you. THE PROBLEM: One detail that is very important, you needs to appear, you needs to have something that interest its public, knows why reading? Because if you not to attract public specify of truth for its company, you she always goes to be in these simpler sales, we go to move of life, ok! It understands the following one. Old, it does not have much time behind, before web as you made propaganda?



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