Occult Windows

Some time you needed to leave open programs and them they had been occupying its bar of tasks making it difficult the use of more programs? Therefore he is, this also happened with me, therefore work in a city hall and my computer is serving of our radio on-line and it has that to be with two open programs constantly for the transmission of the radio. But they made it difficult me the life, therefore I closed them for accident some times. Then I discovered an excellent program that helped me very, if calls ' ' Hide Window Hotkey' ' , it is a program small of easy manipulation. To use it is easy, after installed, opens it and it goes to appear the following screen: In the window that appears you visualize all the programs opened in desktop with a square of marking to the side of each name. You can also see the status, where ' ' show' ' he means that you can visualize the program open and ' ' hide' ' for the programs that are ' ' escondidos' '. In the superior part of the program three buttons meet main: Hide, Show and Close. Hide serves stops to occult the window, Show is used to desocultar program occult for the other button and Close closes the program. It sees an example of as to use: 1 – It marks the program that it desires to occult: 2 After marked in the box to the side of the name of the program, click in ' ' Hide' ': 3 Soon, to the side of the name of the program, in status appears written hide, and the program is occult.

It notices that it also disappears of the bar of tasks: The program is not closed, it remains functioning and he is only occult. If to want to visualize the program is alone to mark the program and to clicar in Show. Not click in xit, therefore this closes the program HWH, click only in the red X in the superior part of the window of the program, this will make with that it minimizes for the bar of the clock: To open the program, it is enough to clicar two times on the icon. This program is gratuitous and excellent to keep its area of organized work, preventing the tumult of windows opened in the Windows.



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