Small Tricks Great Results

Thicker lips if you want that your lips seem more thick and fleshy uses a lighter color in the center of the lower lip. In this way you will get your lips look larger and fleshy. Bright colors also help, so you can also add a touch of gloss. Eyebrows perfect do best to keep rebellious eyebrows is to use a brush to comb them. But it is not always enough with this, you can put a little locking gel to give it more shape and to be kept thoroughly combed all day.

Eyes without swelling puts your eye contour cream in the fridge and see how the effect of the cream is multiplied dramatically. Apply it giving small touches with the fingertips around the eye, by the undereye area. Always from inside to outside. Multiply the effect of your mask is advisable that at least one once a week put a mask to nourish and moisturize the hair. Will you manage to increase the beneficial effect of this if you envuelves your head with a towel hot, a bathing cap or a kitchen film. Veras as increases the temperature of the zone and get a better absorption of the products. There are who opts to wrap the head with albal paper and pass the hair dryer to speed up the process. Beauty in your original image female author and source of the article



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