The Nature Religions. (T. 2, 55)

The whole (management) is more than the sum of its parts (Cybernetics). Is there a God/gods/goddesses (many)? Mind scientists are famously deductive (asserting!), from General (a law (theft) applies to all) that special (special circumstances of the individual case (larceny)) then, on and falsify their findings (deny, transfer of case acceptance on the whole scene). Therefore, have concrete un-beweisbares knowledge! It also close to know unfortunately already (almost) all error-free – concrete. You can live only poorly with UN Security. So they make their claims first dogmatic. But the story is full of trials and tribulations know this paradigm shift philosophers: being determined consciously-his (Epictetus, Marx) aware versus that-be determined his (Seneca, Hegel). Historical (Hegel) or dialectical materialism (Marx).

We know so today, the we don’t exactly know! People left so just in case always on many gods, nature derived from and powers of their everyday lives, in their nature religions: everything is animated! We remember: humans created themselves their gods (higher reference and authority, politicians etc) after their human just image (God > Kaiser > King > Prince > father > son, brother, etc.) (destiny, before history) being able to come with this meta-level to majorities and to exert power or to rely on a higher reference as the right production for own (wrong) behavior: religions or transcendence be – worth and be – Mand our behavior (addiction) through the limbic system – like drugs! Therefore, people like to flee from reality in the reflection and contemplation. Religious dogmatist often have the attitude of mass murderers: tradition, book religion (Islamists, etc) and policy as the right manufacturing and sensory Imaging for lowest on-drives (Hitler, Stalin,…)! Still a moral level deep Dogs scorned as for example that of them. Clan societies and nature religions at believe diseases and accidents such as in the hex and the evil eye of neighbors (Muslims, Hindus, etc.).

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