The Primus

Elabo electronica 2012 in Munich the trade fair electronica in Munich has drive recorded on and with it the crowds at the booth of the elabo GmbH. Get more background information with materials from Eliot Horowitz. Many visitors would like to know what has new technology leader elabo. The spectacular Primus one, which is regarded as the world’s best technical work has grown: the advanced program offers two mobile of the Primus one upgrade kit and the Primus one training cart. But not enough: the new smart FG function generator also meets on interest from the public and completes the portfolio of new products. Elabo was diligent in terms of software. PRODAS is the perfect system for quality assurance and data analysis, and can be tested live on the stand. With the Primus, one upgrade kit is an electrical work in the blink of an eye from a simple desk. And it’s as easy as it sounds.

The upgrade kit was derived from the revolutionary one Primus as a low-cost and mobile version. The upgrade kit is quickly where it is needed, and immediately can be used. It turns any work or desk into an electrical system with workplace lighting, connection technology, integrated protection and additional storage space. Primus is one training cart as dynamically and quickly operational. The Lernmobil can be run quickly then, where to be trained. It makes learning easy and effective, can be operated simultaneously by both sides, provides clear experimental and offers ergonomically perfect arranged connections.

Also security is very important, because the electrical protection is integrated and protected from abuse. A further highlight: The Primus one training cart is compatible with commercially available teaching materials. Product Manager Dietmar Striffler, the mobile on the electronica presents: “the Primus one is for upgrade kit and training cart sponsor. We have analyzed what is meaningful and useful learning car.



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