Affinity Diagrams

Affinity Diagram Definition Also known as the KJ method after its creator Kawakita Jiro, the affinity diagram is a tool that summarizes qualitative data (ideas, opinions, themes, expressions) representing about ideas or concepts, depending on the degree affinity with each other. Implementation Methodology The affinity diagram is a tool for team work, so before you start, it is necessary to conform to the team (preferably interdisciplinary, with extensive knowledge in the subject) and assign a controller, which shall lead the team through all the steps for applying the tool. Step 1: Establish the Problem The team must first determine the problem and write it on a consensual basis. It is advisable to raise the issue as a question (eg., What is expected of a strategic planning office?, How do you build a business?). Step 2: Gather Data Gathering data through any methodology consider relevant (eg., direct observation, interviews, brainstorming, etc.). Step 3: Data Transcription Transcribe the information gathered in step 2 in a Post-it in one sentence that has a clear and obvious meaning.

It is recommended that the sentences have a noun and a verb and is registered in large letters and dark. Do this activity until you have covered all the information gathered. According to the literature, an affinity diagram "typical" is from 40 to 60 elements while not unusual to have 100 to 200 ideas. Step 4: Group the Post it in similar groups All Post-it should be placed on a board so they are visible to all team members.



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