
Then enter the following address, where username is your user’s MobileMe (without you ask for the password and will ask you what name you want to put to the folder. Once done that already will have access. The folder of iDisk appears as one resource of the network in my network places and you can move files, create and rename as in any other folder. The speed of this service will depend on your Internet connection and above all of the upload speed you have on your network access. iDisk on your desktop Mac: Finder iDisk is very easy to use on your Mac desktop, only have to go to the Finder and select the icon of iDisk, on the same side bar of the window. The problem comes from the speed. Your iDisk is much slower on the Mac than desktop in the web application itself. With a good connection with broadband of sufficient rise much difference would not be appreciated, but the current connections make iDisk using Finder a little frustrating if what we want is to upload files of much weight.

Not the case with the speed when downloading files, which operates at normal speed. Mac iDisk: higher speed with Cyberduck we can overcome the limitations of iDisk in the Finder by using an FTP client. Some of them, such as the free Cyberduck (download) give us the option to connect directly to the MobileMe server. The result is pretty good, getting speeds of rise very similar to the web page of To configure it, simply click the new connection button. You only have to choose the MobileMe option and enter your user name and password. This way you can access your hard drive on the Internet from your desktop. This is a blog article of K-Tuin, the Barcelona Apple Distributor.



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