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Speaking in differentials, the distinguishing greater of jDowloader to oferecer archive the same of installation for all the ALONE one that suportemJAVA. This is very important for those people who use a Sleep work and another one in house, for example, therefore they can use omesmo always gerenciador, independently of the place or of the system operacionalque is using. DiferenasAsverses previous of jDownloader possuam a maistradicional interface, with great buttons and colorings, but little mobility. Now, in this version multi ONLY, is possible to explore more the applicatory one, jque its interface received some flicks from modernity emovimento. In other aspects, little thing moved, since everything quevoc needs to make is to find link of download and glue in readestinada it in the applicatory one. Interface and ferramentasAinterface of the applicatory one moved considerably, therefore colors maismodernas and the insertion of the shortcuts for the functions had been grouped deacordo with the functionality. Previously, all ficadisponibilizado in a bar that if extended throughout all ainterface, currently everything is located in groups of functions in ladoesquerdo of the window of Add Links/Add URL.

Made this, it is alone to wait downloads if to complete. possvel to set in motion the functions of applicatory through the bar of systems bar of the clock -, therefore whenever and the program will be on, seucone will be available. It stops> to have access applicatory for the bar desistemas, click with the right button of mouse on the icon and escolhaferramenta that it desires to use. It uses to advantage that the new version of the acclaimed one jDownloader arrived and usufruaainda more than the tools and possibilities of the Internet, without precisarse to worry about the compatibility of its operational system. Click to lower jDownload here that now it functions in MAC.



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