Explorer Environmental

China fights against pollution of water bodies Chinese authorities are seriously concerned pollution of waterways. It is not surprising because more than half the cases of environmental contamination that occurred in China over the past year, have fallen just at the reservoirs. Source: Michael Steinhardt. And this despite a record amount of money allocated last year to tackle environmental problems, namely about 34 billion dollars. A new step to address this problem in a significant increase in the size of cash penalties, which will increase to five times and the maximum amount of 500 thousand yuan (about 67 thousand dollars). In Russia, too, enough problems Recall that on November 11 because of the storm in the Azov and Black Seas, one day sank four ships, six ran aground and two tankers were damaged. In addition, the storm led to another environmental crisis that has arisen in the waters of the Azov and Black Seas as a result of leakage of about 2 thousand tons of fuel oil from the affected vessels.

But that's not all: Hydromet specialists argue that settled to the bottom of oil is a source of secondary pollution. This is indicated by increasing the concentration of dissolved oil in the bottom waters in the area loss of the tanker 'Volganeft-139', and between the braids, Tuzla and pigs. Yeah, the trouble does not come alone The trouble reached and Antarctica People with their environmental crises and got to Antarctica According to experts, oil from sank off Antarctica cruise ship Explorer ('Explorer') sails toward the mainland.



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