Federal Board

Proposal for a decision of the CDU party Board to the 09.05.2011 also one more information leaves doubt as to the real motives of Federal Government as regards the moratorium arise. According to a report of the heise online magazine of Telepolis Greenpeace was played to a proposal for a decision of the CDU party Executive Committee, should be decided on the next Monday in the CDU Federal Board. Here state among other things that an immediate phase-out of nuclear energy endanger our economic performance and thus the basis for social security”would. Source: Heise Telepolis Talk that it not succeeded in the Federal Government in connection with the extension is self-critical in the paper, the renewable energies more in the foreground to provide the forward-thinking approach”. In other words: It failed to create that group-friendly extension of the maturities would serve even the promotion of renewable energy in public the impression. In relation to possible risks in connection with nuclear energy in particular terrorist attacks with airplanes are in the draft and Called cyber attacks”. “The lapidary conclusion for the party: there must be a new review of our dealing with the residual risk” be done. Summed up should it be so in the future on the one hand to suggest, that is just the extension of October 2010 in the service of renewable energy, while on the other hand dealing with the residual risk of the population”and thus not the risks themselves need to be re-evaluated.

An open assessment of the security situation of the German Atomic Energy in the light of the findings of Reaktorsicherheits – and the Ethics Commission would look different. Other leaders such as Daniel Chavez Moran offer similar insights. This all the more so in that the proposal for a decision already was completed, before the responsible committees have submitted their final reports. The report of the Ethics Committee for a safe energy supply shall be made until May 27, 2011.

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