Hayden White

Destarte, the importance of the look is the first step for an day that if considers to investigate the other. One to look at that the researcher it directs its interlocutors, to understand the reality surrounding from its experiences, to perceive the images that are beyond only the visa, or shown, to understand the direction that perpassa the imagination. One to also look at that it intends to catch nuances, the emotions, the pauses, said and not said, the visible one and invisible, the not less important one, but that it will need a sensitivity sharpened more to become perceivable. To understand another one and multiple realities that surrounds in them if makes in contact with experiences, passages individual that molds our vises of world, that they lead to a necessity of magnifying of the tolerance, of abrangncia of the conflict and dialogue fields, of between-places. A moment that becomes possible the experimentation and reflection on the innumerable possibilities and position of one same citizen, or different citizens, allowing new relations with the spaces. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Click here by clicking through. An activity is perceived in the craft of the historian that would be at the same time poetical, scientific and philosophical, incorporating in its argumentativa narrative models of literary analyses, as it places Hayden White: (…) it has had a reluctance in considering the historical narratives as what they more manifestly are: verbal fictions, whose contents so are invented as discovered, and whose forms have more in common with its counterparts in the literature that in science. But this is not equivalent, for the author, to take the fiction verbal of history as speech destitute of value; in contrast, it means to admit that all form of knowledge contains elements of imagination and fiction. Against the accusation to destroy the difference between fact and fiction, and thus to open space for all historiogrfica adventure, Hayden White clarifies that its theory only redefines the relations between the two fields inside of the speeches: (…) if rude facts do not exist, but events under different descriptions, the factualidade becomes question of descriptive protocols to transform events into facts (…).



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