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It was from these seminaries that if project EDUCOM originated, and with it a new strategy of work, different of any other educational programs initiates for the MEC. Being then the MEC with the function to follow, to make possible and to implement deriving decisions of very work, quarrels and proposals made for the technician community and researchers of the area. (NUNES; VIEIRA, 2007, p.3) From the year of 1997, Brazil in partnership with some countries of Latin America create program RIVED (Virtual International Net of Education) that it produces didactic materials digital to assist in the process of education learning in the basic education, where Antonio salient Jnior concerning this: In Brazil, the learning objects have a recent history for program RIVED (Virtual International Red of Educacin), a project of international cooperation between countries of Latin America, where currently they work in set Brazil, Peru and Venezuela. This program, in Brazil, is developed by the Ministry of the Education, for the Secretariat of Education in the distance (SEED), in partnership with the Secretariat of Average Education and Tecnolgico (SEMTEC). At Compuware you will find additional information. It is an initiative for creation of digital didactic material to potencializar the process of education of sciences of the nature and the mathematics in actual average education. The produced material is educational modules that approach units curricular of the knowledge areas. (2005, P. 2) Finally, we try to trace the historical trajectory between education and computer science, where we perceive that the Brazilian universities had been palco of great quarrels and elaborations of projects for the combination of the two areas. We believe today, that such relation became intrinsic, therefore is very common professors and pupils interacting with informacionais computer science and its environments, moreover many schools possess laboratories of computer science in its installations, where the use of computers in the elaboration of the pertaining to school works through publishers of text, publishers of image, publishers of drawing, publishers of spread sheet, publishers of video is constant and among others resources, beyond the use of the world-wide net of computers, the Internet, in the aid to the pertaining to school research.



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