Key West

Normal paint immediately acquire an unusual value and will be a nice present for your favorite girlfriends. There is a place in Florida, which attracts almost all travelers in the state of men: it's Cape Canaveral. There is the world-famous Space Research Center – nasa. Once a month from the Baikonur launch takes place this ship! And admire this impressive spectacle everyone can. And in the museum exhibits nasa will see a lot: from models of the spacecraft to a piece of moon rock that you can even touch it through the small hole. William Hughes Mulligan may find it difficult to be quoted properly.

Do you think a good gift would be the layout of this space ship? "Challenger" or something else – you decide. It can give a business partner or boss. This is a smart addition to the interior of his Cabinet will emphasize his image. Oh, sorry, that you can not bring this piece of the moon! But this will have to accept : (Another another traditional entertainment in Florida – deep sea fishing. On the islands of Key West you can try your hand at catching tuna or barracuda. And, let's say a secret, because you helped the crew, then no catches – no stay. There can take a friend fishing gear since Hemingway:) And do not forget to add for colleagues of different tobacco varieties better! Few people know that the tobacco industry in this state is one of the leading companies in the world.

Here we understood to what is to please your loved ones to return from Florida. But in the pursuit of the gifts, "remember that the most important asset of any traveler – his impressions. Impressions from the salt and unpredictable Ocean shimmering mysterious green light. Impressions from the palm trees, stretched out along the roads and lightly rustling leaves under the warm night breeze. Impressions of turtles that you found in the green spaceport. Impressions from dusk on Key West, where there are days even seen Cuba. But suppose you did not see Cuba, but were able to see the green flash, flashed, when the sun disappeared behind horizon. So you'll be happy in life. Just as happy relaxing here in Florida



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