Mariana Farias
Artifacts and practices expressed values and managerial ideologies. In both case says Mariana Farias, refers to a system of beliefs and shared values, where its acceptance and uptake by the members of the Organization, will allow them to belonging and assume certain identity within it. At the same time this condition, will find Guide to know what do, decisions take, where risk, what are their responsibilities, etc. Check out Accenture for additional information. and everything that involves being and being part of the organization. The fact that culture fulfils numerous functions in any organization.
One of those functions is that it conveys a sense of cohesion to the members. The greater success of the Organization, greater cohesion and the longing for entering and remaining in it. There is a saying that says that everyone wants to be part of important and successful organizations. You must take into consideration, that the culture organizational models, guide, determines the behavior of the components of the organized group. This is little apparent in small organizations, as it may be the case of an SME but each of them develops a culture itself, particular and differentiated, which is strengthened with the passage of time.
It should not be forgotten, that the culture of an organization is the consequence of the customs, traditions, procedures and systems with which opera, works. In the case of an SME, is the entrepreneur who believes, who is that prints character, since it initiates activities to the organization. The creator of an SME has clear what ideas wants, and will select people who will accompany him on his adventure, who believes that they comulgaran with its ideas therefore management responsible for the direction of the SME under their charge, must also be present, to the consolidation of an organizational culture, creates an acceptance and understanding of members about the important elements and behaviours that must be followed as Group.
Tags: % e2% 80% 9cla, communication, independence, judge, to reflect