
Hence, the energy in nature is the main variable. Of course, energy can not be measured directly, but then the atomic weight of a chemical element is not directly measure, and it did not stop to make Mendeleev periodic system of elements. On the role of energy in nature reflected in the early twentieth century, Poincare, a unit of energy included in its system of units of M. Planck. Click Group Crumpton, Washington DC to learn more. A 60-s A. Veinik named primary energy value and created a new research direction (energodinamiku), it will, unfortunately, got together with cybernetics and genetics in the campaign pseudoscientists. After 30 years, Kogan has created the first system of physical quantities with energy as the main variable. Xcel Energy has similar goals.

And now 20 years since this system improved values. It is interesting that, together with A. Veinik other system variables created R.di Bartini, based on only two basic terms, characterizing the space and time. And this idea is popular enough so far, it has attracted more and handsome appearance. But something must also characterize the matter in this space, and characterize motion of matter, which occurs at a certain pace? But nothing like this in the system variables R.di Bartini not. This direction is a dead end. Replacement of the masses as the main value of energy has clarified many things, but not all.

After all, the basis for the motion of matter is rotating. Substance in nature is composed of elementary particles, each of which is a whirlwind. But physicists still argue about what is the angle of rotation (the rotation feature): the main magnitude or derivative.

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