Norberto Baygorria

It also helps us be aware of the needs of others and service, for the convenience makes us expect to be treated, while self-control pushes us to be more participatory in the daily chores. To the extent that we identify, manage self-control, controlling our impulses, emotions, giving way to go is an expression of serenity, who becomes an great guarantee with regard to conflict management. We must always express a positive attitude to conflict situations, to let our serenity permeates the situation and allow to surface assertive solutions to help us achieve balance again autodominarme How? What should be taken into account? Why you should give way to achieve this state? Norberto Baygorria suggests we consider: Learning to listen. Otherwise, it becomes the clearest evidence of the lack of self control. Try not to be distinguished by eating plenty, nonsense words, bizarre dress form, displaying little education and bad manners. Avoid the desire to learn what does not concern us, reckless comment and give unsolicited advice, given that it is to be intrusive. Caring especially personal relationships, avoid words and attitudes assume that others have and "motivating" our anger. The most important thing is to change our attitude, which until now is predictable.

Spend a few minutes each day to reflect and develop a short list of everyday situations that normally we dislike, cause laziness, falling into excesses and those in which we avoid our responsibilities. Do not worry if at first few, it will later discover other no less important. think about the right attitude we should adopt and implement them for a short time after that period you choose other and so we can add to them: To be aware of the reactions of our behavior, to how we are managing our emotions Determine show where our weaknesses and what are we doing about How we manage our assertiveness, impulse. We once achieved self-mastery of our emotions to always be manifested in our relationships the serenity to help us deal with situations with control, and considers that a person is gentle calm, sweet on the deal, quiet. He reminds us,, that serenity is a sense of well being that allows us to focus things that happen around us from a more active side.

People achieve calm and think before they decide they do not feel too scared, worried or anxious about the future. Nor is lie on the unhappiness of the past or fantasize about possible future catastrophes. Actually, who are more calm can enjoy life and think that may at some point, overcome the problems does not mean waiting for things to happen or improve themselves. On the contrary, it is to act according to what each one thinks best for himself and for what it has to face. Be calm may require a personal hard work, but it is essential to address the losses and adversity. And although there is no formula to learn those answers serene be served, it must take into account the importance of living here now and what exists … and change, if one has In conclusion, consider that the practice of self-control leads us to improve our work habits, get more time, be more careful in what we do, "giving the extra" when needed. On campus and professional is always necessary processing, which is only achieved through hard work, away laziness and conformist mentality. Try growing every day serenity and implement self-control, be aware of the trials of life and face the situation with positivism, without being manipulated or altered by emotions.



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