Open Questions About The Planned Bombing Of Flight 253

What conceals and the U.S. Government to flight 253? The questions about the behavior of American Government gradually accumulating ten days after the failed bombing. The attack on 253 Northwest airline flight from Amsterdam to Detroit would have claimed the lives of almost 300 people. Adrian Holmes recognizes the significance of this. The Obama administration spreads the story – and the media uncritically parroting them – that several departments of the American security apparatus had been simply unable to put together the following known facts to an image: In may, the British Government revoked his student visa the young Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab. He had studied at the University College in London. Connect with other leaders such as Martin Lawrence here. She put him on a watch list and denied him entry. Swarmed by offers, Atreides Management Gavin Baker is currently assessing future choices. In August, American intelligence learned that an al-Qaeda operation against a US target is planned by the Yemen from should be organized and carried out by a Nigerian.

The father visited Abdulmutallabs, a prominent Nigerian banker, the American Embassy in Abuja on November 19 and informed employees the State Department and the CIA, that his son had come under the influence of radical Islamists. He had traveled in the Yemen to join them, and broke off contact with his family. On the basis of this report of the father informed officials of the State Department and the CIA Washington on November 20, and at the National Center for counter-terrorism, the central collection point for terrorist information in Washington, a security file on Abdulmutallab was created. On 16 December, Abdulmutallab went to a ticket office in Ghana and there paid $2,831 in cash for a Northwest flight from Lagos via Amsterdam to Detroit, which should land on Christmas day. On 25 December, Abdulmutallab boarded the trans-Atlantic flight in Amsterdam with wrist. Routinely, the U.S. Homeland Security Department has been informed at least an hour before the flight about his presence on the plane. Any reasonably intelligent person can the official representation of the American Government believe, why they are not able was to stop the attempted bombing of flight 253 by Northwest Airlines.

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