Residential Buildings

Settlement of perimeter will be fenced with openwork fence and hedges impeding the penetration of wild animals in the area. In the field of internal borders docking sites are formed mezhsosedskie band communication with the placement of small architectural forms, children's playgrounds, barbecue. Individual plots are designed as miniature parks are made on individual projects with the most expressive forms-: swimming pools, cascading ponds, alpine slides, pergolas, grottoes, etc. BMC contains valuable tech resources. Main pedestrian walkway that runs from top to bottom, will link all areas of public interest and settlements will create an enabling environment for mass recreation for residents and visitors. The settlement is designed to developed by OOO 'Mathur' semifaktornoy sustainable development model that takes into account the needs of three social groups including the age factor. 'Family nest' are invariant with individual houses land from 10 to 50 acres, combined a strong social infrastructure, including the industrial park, which makes self-contained accommodation (a priority in August 1998 d).

The predominant architectural design of residential Building a unified modules 10×10 (12×12) meters (240-450 square m2), allowing to change the appearance of the building without changing the internal linings. By inclines all home run with mezzanine levels complete profile which is used as a garage, bath, sauna, swimming pool, gym, and technical services. Construction material – concrete, the wall – with a porous foam concrete permanent formwork. The houses have a pronounced Russian style and appropriate color scheme. On most steep slopes (25%) are projected HILLS HOMES, (an area of 250-400 m2), in terms of having a rounded shape in the form of a horseshoe and performed in one-and dvuhurovnievom performance with indoor glazed internal space, providing additional insolation.

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