Study In Austria

New Internet portal by students bring get more transparency into the Austrian educational landscape Wieselburg having the Internet increase March 18, 2010, worth watching. The online platform is not only new, but also simple, innovative and unique “, the three Master students of the University of applied sciences Wiener Neustadt on the campus Wieselburg (o.) have launched. Once on the search after studying that suits them, and disappointed by the offer of information, Markus Puckmayr, Stefan Putschogl and Michael Steiner took the task without further ADO in the hands. The three founded the first Internet platform where students and prospective students find what they are looking for with easydegree”. For the first time clearly represented all 1,880 courses at the universities, polytechnics and colleges of in Austria.

The special feature of the system, developed by the young founders themselves: The courses is by the students and graduates in terms of recording technology Education, infrastructure on site and future job prospects even rated. At the same time useful tips to study can be placed and prospective students via Internet telephony or chat directly with the students of the wish program in contact, to ask her personal questions. The challenge to our idea is to get honest and authentic opinions about the factors that are crucial in the choice of studies, such as for example the quality or the subsequent job opportunities”, describes the beginnings of” Markus Puckmayr. Tell more students and graduates from their knowledge and experience, it is the easier for prospective students to choose the Bachelor’s correct for you or master’s degree”! Inventor Stefan Putschogl added: the current OECD study education at a glance 2009′ indicates that 24 percent of the Erstinskribierten break off her studies. Another study, by the IHS (Institute for advanced studies) indicates that only 27 percent of students it are sure to study right.

Behind are often false expectations or missing information when choosing a study. We offer guidance and insider knowledge for the first time and can contribute to, that each prospective students find studying, that suits him.” In addition, the individual programs prompts their course to describe not only the text but also with videos and photos. Together with the statements of students and graduates, the course will be given a face so that prospective students can imagine more under the study. The success proves right the lower Austrian team. Already in the first six months, the information platform achieved more than 35,000 requests and 1,200 registrations. The excuse, you opted for the wrong course, belongs so in Austria soon of the past have.

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