The Cultures

You switch between their individual and (peer) group interests. To constantly focus on common objectives and we need the respective digital Individual-Gesellschaft(en), in addition to the natural ethics, the moral(en) (social rules, etc.) our analog archaic everyday clan society and norms (). We need for the common objectives (3) Assistance in the form of laws, treaties and regulations, etc. In public, a complex social groups dynamics is created for us. We focus most of the time not only to our opinions and preferences, but on the re actions and actions of others, until discernible pattern (fashions, trends, panics) caused a chain reaction of mutual interference and manipulation.

We align ourselves, with our natural imitation behavior, constantly on others. “This caused a constantly changing social knock-on effects (developments): we are IN and include: all have an iPhone, I want one too!” People must decide when physical or psychological primary situations always emotionally and rationally justify. Nature = people and cultures (body, soul, spirit), work differently than all other living things, for example: we have a pronounced Gosshirn (cortex) and reason (enlightenment, Reformation). We can literally, in writing (verbal: letters, figures,) Symbols), communicate with pictures graphics and photos. We communicate also chronologically offset by means of technology and in direct. We think sense-oriented: be interpretation, mental logical content, guilty… We can analyze ourselves, abstract, and think ahead in strategies. We have instinct (‘ gut feeling, heart ‘) and intuition (“heart and brain”).

People are semi-autonomous (un-ter conscious control) acting beings that control their behavior for ethics and morals: useful or harmful. Cultures have interest derived (and purpose) fixed networks (infrastructure) for communication: telephone, radio, Internet, information (processes): wikipedia, facebook, twitter, mobility: roads, railways, aircraft, ships, supply: electricity, gas, water, media,… Cultures consist of selfish social reason-being with a ‘free’ will: the cultures (sub-system, Cybernetics) are always a part of nature (System). The cultures of work according to hierarchical Central (top-down, Macht-Interessen) command structures (organization charts: vertically and horizontally): democratic federal State (control) and paternal management (control) about people, projects and processes: control, review and correction.

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