The Net

Still in accordance with publication of the Techenet (2008), the computers customers DNS can use the LLMNR to decide names in a net segment when a server DNS is not available. If a roteador to fail, removing a sub-net of all existing servers DNS in the net, the existing customers whom LLMNR supports will be able to continue to decide names in a base point-the-point until the linking of the net is restored. 4,1 Resolution of In agreement Names using LLMNR RFC the 4795 (2007) consultations of the protocol are sent and received using door 5355. In the case of the Ipv4 the request is sent for the address, in relation to the Ipv6 is used address FF02: 0: 0: 0: 0: 0. In a simplified vision the process of resolution of names of – in the following way: first host responsible for the consultation sends the request for address multicast of the net, an addressee only responte the solcitiao if it will be autoritativo for the consultation, case is true the reply of the consultation is envida way address unicast by means of the protocol of transport UDP. When receiving respota host from origin processes the solicito and initiates the access of the desired resources of the user. RFC 4795 (2007).

The use of the address unicast can be used in the following situations: host of origin repeats the consultation later that it received from host of destination, or host of origin consults a register for a complete address IP being the version Ipv4 or Ipv6. RFC 4795 (2007). By measures of security the requests unicast must be carried through by the protocol of transports TCP, consutas deriving of connections TCP does not have to be discarded. RFC 4795 (2007). 4,2 Unicast verification Defined for RFC 4795 (2007), before sending a reply to the shipper, the receiver configured with one only address verifies if host in net LLMNR has one another one that is autoritativo for the same name of the interface.



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