The Same

A construtivista conception necessarily does not breach with the form established in the memorandum of understanding to direct education, as for example, the expositivas lessons, the works of reading and interpretation of texts, the activities extraclassroom. (CAVALCANTE, 2002 p, 19). But it searchs of the professor is an incessant problematizao of the questions in classroom. The problematizao and the questionings are part of the practical socioconstrutivista, having as propeller spring the withdrawal of the blinders and of speeches that are gifts in the society, the concepts and the terminologies. Considering that a concept form or if is not constructed in the mind of the individual for direct transference, or for reproductive assimilation, the indications for the formation of concepts in education, in the line of a description-critical didactics, recommend to the confrontation of scientific concepts and daily concepts. (CAVALCANTE, 2002 p, 15). Beyond the problematizao the professor can approach the confrontations conceptual that petition the society and the geographic knowledge. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Petra Diamonds. The professor comes to manage its lesson and to mediate the debates that the same it will stimulate in its practises professor.

5.2 The paper of the pupil in Socioconstrutivista education. The pupil in this perspective comes to differentiate itself of the excessively practical ones of education for its participation in the elaboration of a reflexiva and not reproductive lesson. Having as beginning a partner-critical boarding of the learning. Therefore now the same he is knowledge constructor and not more passive being in relation to the knowledge. It is well-known, however, the agreement of if considering education as process of knowledge construction and the pupil as subject asset of this process and, in consequence, the emphasis in activities of education that allow the construction of knowledge as resulted of the interaction of the pupil with knowledge objects. (CAVALCANTE, 2002 p, 30). If before the pupil was aptico, indifferent and reproductive being of the knowledge, with this practical the same will be able to become an active being in its questionings and its routine citizen, being had as objective central office the social equality.



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