The University

Western cultures work on the basis of will – and the formation of the majority: from choice of alternatives. Interest greedy speculate with food (tank or plate) and natural resources (land speculation in monocultures) on stock exchanges (Deutsche Bank, etc.). They produce arms and dying of hunger, the profit’s own deliberately and knowingly (15 to 45% interest) due. Therefore, real were separated from virtual speculation on the stock exchange (‘gamer booths’). Earlier today was wars with weapons, to economic resources. Manager seminars today called guerrilla marketing neuro marketing market design economy is seen as a theater of war. There is now a more mechanistic mindset within the economics (mind Sciences): > the term evolutionary Management is a mechanical organization theory. Gist of evolutionary management is that no clear objectives and structures on the part of management should be given, rather we recommend appropriate conditions for self-organization,”a company to create.

These conditions represent the necessary conditions to enable the independent development of the organisation and the employee. The reason for the new approach of evolutionary management is that the management problems due to their complexity not with a rational organizational design are manageable. “The two main approaches of evolutionary (‘falsely so-called’) = natural management” approach (‘misnomer’) are St. Galler: representative Fredmund Malik, Probst, Thomas Dyllick-Brenzinger representatives of the cybernetic mechanistic scientific management MbS (Kar-thesisches dual thinking of Descartes), cultural innovation > Source: by…; Author A rather ‘reject obsolete’ way of thinking from a purely cybernetico Humanities and business perspective… The University of St. Gallen earlier advised the Swiss air crash! This kind of thinking and others neglected that our industries and markets to the detriment of the natural produce (exploitation and destruction principle). The customers are the employers and are in the center of each company: customer benefits orientation, the companies are instead subject to the controls by management and marketing (ICH we principle).

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