Many State

At tour shows but very quickly the reality. Many State employees are bored in the corner, show little interest and are busy or are chatting in groups. Far from a professional address of visitors. Can I help you”, is the most widespread and abgedroschenste standard movement, which can be heard on the most booths. Creative speech, so absent. Often, it is observed that visitors move on trade fair stands and show obvious interest, are not perceived by the employees, or does not want to be perceived. At least now, a light must go to the people”, a still so intricately crafted booth missed his effect, if the staff is not trained and well trained. But not the success is virtually inevitable with training and coaching yet, but also on the selection of the employees there.

Self motivation and passion, as well as enthusiasm and joy for the fair to ride are special building blocks of success. If some of these attributes are missing, use also good fair training and Messecoachings little. Also fair teams want to run, this could be the task of the head of State, he must keep the team spirit and motivation over the entire duration of the fair. He must also make sure that the team is well supplied and sufficient staff can pause to regenerate. The visitor feel immediately, if it is true in the trade fair team, and up to every visitors adequately takes care of. This knowledge and skill is good to give in trade fair training, but must not be practical exercises. Increasingly used also coaching at the fair. A coach accompanies the stand staff and subtly hints to improve, for the employees, this means at the same time safety and practical learning. Is to be hoped that such examples make school and sits through the realization that a nice booth is just not enough, but determine the stand staff with fair success.

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