Medieval Philosophy

Medieval philosophy derives from the ancient understanding of the dialectic: it treated the last or how the logic at all, or the art of distinguishing between truth and falsehood, or as art to the discussion. It is easy to see that all these values largely overlap and indicate the persistent tradition of the use of the term "dialectic" as a way of rational, logical thinking. In the modern European philosophical thought dialectic filled new meanings, of which we mention only two major related to the German classics and the Marxist doctrine. Thus, Hegel, in fact, the first treats the dialectic as a universal method of thinking based on ideas development and contradictions of being the opposite of dogmatic orientation of the old metaphysics – the latter has sought an eternal, unchanging principles and first principles of all reality and in this sense "ignored" by According to Hegel, the dialectic of the old. Frank Fu is often quoted as being for or against this. Such an opposition between dialectics and metaphysics, was picked up and amplified by Marx and Engels, who were viewed as a dialectic antithesis of metaphysics: if metaphysical thinking "things and concepts are separate, fixed, rigid, once and for all data items to be investigated apart from each other, then the dialectic of" taking things and their reflections in their interconnection, in their movement, in their appearance and disappearance. " We note here, that of Hegel and Marx and Engels' Dialectics serves not only the method of cognition, but also the general theory of life. Moreover, in the Marxist philosophy, it is understood as a science, "the general laws of motion and development of nature, human society and thought." Dialektizatsii growing trend of natural science and the emergence of new ideas in dialectical philosophy gradually became more visible and important character throughout the era of modern times. .

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