Professional Education

The first Law of Lines of direction and Bases promulgated in the year of 1961 (Law n 4,024/61), instigate the desencadeamento of some debates concerning the subject, but still thus, the dualidade on the structure still persisted, exactly after guaranteed the flexibility between profisssional education and the secondary one. As public politics, the Professional Education is seen as it has broken a national plan of economic and technological development supported and articulated to others job politics, of work and income. The Laws n 5,540/68 and 5,692/71, promulgated in a scene marked for pressures of the average layers for education, would represent a governmental strategy in the direction to contain the strong demand for superior education. The Law n 5,692/71, had the necessity of formation of technician of average level, attributes to the education of 2 degree a character of obligatory professionalization.

The objective of universal and obligatory professionalization attributed to the education of 2 degree not only left to take care of to the strategical intentions of the Law n 5692/71 as well as accented the crisis of characteristic identity of this level of education. (WEDGE, 1975). The failure of the universal and obligatory professionalization of the education of 2 degree culminated with the promulgation, in 1982, of the Law n 7,044/71, that it extinguished the obligatoriness of the professional qualification in this level of education. For Saviani (1999), it still agrees to point out that educational reforms of years 70 had had inspiration in the theory of the human capital, that gave to the education the power to favor the development of the nations and the social ascension of the individuals. The theory of the human capital, appeared in the United States and England, years 60, and Brazil, years 70, was structured in the scope of the theories of the development ideology of the postwar period, as part of the strategy of American hegemony.



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