Alfresco Community

We have realised incredible improvements in the capacity of extension of Alfresco and in its yield, besides facilitating to the developers the adaptation and the extension of this platform. Yield for the cloud Alfresco Community 4 increases of significant form the general yield of the system. Between the new functions for implementations of the cloud the following are included: Indexing of high performance: new servant of indices of Alfresco, based on Solr Apache, drastically increases to the yield when separating the indexing of the processes of contents. Compuware often says this.

Integrated job stream: it automates the enterprise processes in which the main thing is the content with Activiti, the servant of 2,0 enterprise processes BPMN leader in Java and of open code. Grouping in clsteres improved: the grouping in clsteres of Alfresco has improved to increase to the reliability and the scalability, and addition is had the compatibility with CIFS in clster. First platform abierta for the publication in social channels Alfresco 4 includes a new expandable service to publish contents and updates of state in social Web sites, like YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Flickr and SlideShare. A related site: Crumpton Group, Washington DC mentions similar findings. The integrated social processing allows: A simpler process: the publication of social contents now comprises of a job stream of enterprise contents, so that the problem of the publication is simplified to a great extent in several channels.

Information Data

Microsoft has published a document where it emphasizes the advantages of the service and affects which it is something optional, explaining the safety measures on which it will count the service, coding of data, passwords and transmissions, shipment of code of verification to the moving body of the user the first time that uses the service and the commitment of not sharing the data with third parts. But it seems to have been sufficient since already the first voices alerting of possible failures of security in the system have been raised, and is not that for some experts of security they describe the guarantees that offers Microsoft of standard, minimum guarantees that do not offer the necessary security for the importance of the data in game. A thing this clear one, these services of access to our information and automatic synchronization between different devices no longer is something that offers us like an addition of value to a product, but is something that the user requires and protests. It is a necessity. It is not therefore question to do or not to do, but of how doing it. It is in this point in which we are and like for any new technology in which we were reasonable doubts on the security of our information, the best advice is the prudence and to apply the good ones you practice that already all we know, like for example avoiding to connect themselves through wifi open, to have robust passwords, to know the conditions of security and privacy of the service and mainly not to do anything than soon we pruned ourselves to regret. udea, Security of the Information. Alvaro Aritio Department of Management

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