Volkswagen Devices

“mikado solution closes security gaps in the use of mobile devices and is one for the first time general public presented bring your own device” Berlin, required changed security concepts in the company 27.02.2012 – the Berlin security specialist mikado soft is on this year’s CeBIT of a solution for the management and safe operation of mobile devices at the heart of his presentations. She will be presented in Hall 12, booth 47, a broad public and closes security gaps in the use of mobile devices. Finally, mobile devices get more and more in the focus of cyber criminals. The work processes are increasingly higher demands on the mobility of employees, but the security issue in the mobile devices is somewhat lagging behind this trend”problematizes Wolfgang Durr, CEO of the mikado soft gmbh. The dynamics of this development has overwhelmed some businesses.” He points to recent market data of the Market research company Gartner, according to which in the fourth quarter of 2011 world’s 92 million stationary usable PCs and thus something less than in the same period last year were sold, while in the same period the volume of sales for smartphones rose to 440 million. This shows the significant change in which we find ourselves, and which new questions to the IT security”, so the security specialist. “To come, that, search for bring your own device” a trend emerged, in which the economy increasingly opens for business use by private smartphones, Tablet PCs and laptops of employees. “This is a whole new and anything other than trivial challenge for the enterprise security”, emphasizes Durr.

The mikado solution for the management and safe operation of mobile devices is based in its technical approach on macmon guest service and the use of the 802.1X-Standards. Its particular strength is that the specific features of the company without complex mobility concepts Projects can be made precise. It is already successfully in use in a number of customers and is at CeBIT together with its partners Bucker EDV, P & W alcera presents. More about mikado soft which German mikado soft gmbh specialises in the development, maintenance and specialized in the distribution of the network security solutions. The own developed, manufacturer independent and modular NAC software macmon protects the LAN from unauthorized, non-secure devices and internal attacks. Mikado soft is the youngest member of the mikado group led by the mikado, AG.

Founded in 1983 in Berlin, the mikado is ag as a consulting and service company specialized in ensuring the availability of IT processes in companies. The mikado Group employs about 50 people in Germany. Companies in different sectors will benefit from the security services and products throughout Europe. Among other federal ministries, Volkswagen, Muller the customer base includes milk, total, ZF, SWR, Vivantes, KfW Kreditanstalt for Reconstruction, Sparkassen and Volksbanken. Headquarters of the mikado soft gmbh is Berlin. Mikado is a member of BITKOM, SIBB and the trusted computing group. Think factory groupcom gmbh Bernhard Duhr Pastorat str.

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