Stokes Access

Lajolo & Zilberman (2003), affirms that strategies that appealed to the ending of the reading already are old, of the point of view of the discovery of Brazil, therefore exactly Axe of Assis, was used of this resource to vender its books. Of this form, the text on-line, is only used of this strategy. Other aspect latent in text, discloses with choice of lexicon, therefore, although to be a scientific research, the language used for the author did not have a character technician, believes that the intention of the author is to approach the reader to the understanding and dimension of the research, in this way the adequacy lexicon contributes it in this direction. For Souza (2010), the text on-line or hipertexto is, of an analytical perspective, a universe of diverse dimensions, therefore if it does not read only the text, but the images, hiperlinks, the context of the reader and others, confides, in this way, a universe in expansion of limitless knowledge and inexhaustible, as it is literature, however with the possibility to the same have everything in instant and this, in easy way, it can be adjusted to the necessity and understanding of the reader. In the studied text, one perceives some stories of people who are not authorities in the subject, case of the son of the researcher. With this, the author, to demonstrate the simple agreement of the science that, exactly the children, are capable to understand complex meanings, is not difficult to perceive the relapsing attempt to reach the esguio reader. In this direction, of approach of the reader, the text on-line, recria and reinventa to adjust it the interlocutor, exist descriptions, as for example: of the cell, points of view that suggest the continuation of the research and position favorable to the initiative in continuing to aclarar the biological blacknesses, exactly because, the human being was made to live perpetual.

Important aspect, of the point of view of the construction of the direction, shows through links that the text on-line brings in its bulge, therefore, while the text is read, other meanings and other plans show with this tool, however, also it is the exception that this can desvirtuar meaning intended, a time that other perspectives show with others links. Bibliography LAJOLO, Marisa & ZILBERMAN, Regina. The Formation of the Reading in Brazil; 3 edition Publishing company Stokes: So Paulo, 2003. ORLANDI, E.P. Speech, imaginary social and knowledge. Opened magazine, year 14, n.61. Brasilia, jan. to /mar.



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